Amazing Facts About e-Mail
Written on 2:40 AM by Mrudula
- 71% Use Email to Negotiate Contracts and Agreements
- 69% Use Email to Exchange Invoices, Statements, and Payment Information
- 93% Use Email to Communicate with Customers.
- 38% Use Email to Respond to Regulators
- 44% Use Email to File with Official Bodies
- 35% Use Separate Back-End System for Email Retention
- 23% Use Records Management System for Managing Email
- 34% Use Document Management System for Managing Email
- 40% Use Email
- 60 billion e-mails are sent daily
90% of all email is spam
- The average business user receives 25 email messages per day; increasing 10% per year
- The average business user spends 2.6 hours per day reading and responding to email
- 38% of employees have sent an e-mail without the required attachment
- 34.1% of users open an e-mail by 5 pm
- It takes 77 minutes a week for an employee to manage their mailbox, such as cleaning out old messages and filing old messages or attachments
- It takes 27 minutes for a user to delete or archive enough messages in order to be able to use the e-mail system again after hitting a “quota limit”
- It takes 8.2 minutes for a user to find an email that is older than two weeks
- 60% of an organizations intellectual property is in the e-mail system
- The typical user stores more than one-half of his/her critical business information within the confines of the e-mail system
- 38% of US and UK companies monitor and read e-mails written by employees
- 75% of adults prefer e-mail to IM, 75% of teens prefer IM to e-mail
- Less than one-fifth of teenagers use e-mail for communication
- E-mail click through ratio is best on Wednesdays, reaching 3.9%
- 60% of business correspondence has grammar or spelling error
- Replying more than 100 times to the same piece of spam e-mail will overwhelm the sender’s system and interfere with their ability to send any more spam.
- 64% of spam servers are in Taiwan, 23% are in the US