Amazing Facts About Golf
Written on 10:51 PM by Mrudula
- The only golf course on the island of Tonga has 15 holes, and there's no penalty if a monkey steals your golf ball.
- There are roughly 27 million golfers in the world.
- Between 1990 and 2003, developers built more than 3,000 new golf courses in the United States, bringing the total to about 16,000.
- The World's Longest Golf Course is the International Golf Club in Massachusetts, a long par 77, 8325-yards, from the tiger tees.
- About 25% of golfers are women. Their average gross score:107. Normal par score is 72 shots
- The World's Largest Green is that of the 695-yard, 5th hole, a par 6 at the International Golf Club in Massachusetts, with an area in excess of 28,000 square feet.
- Core players (those who golf eight or more times a year) has fallen, but more slowly: to 15 million in 2006 from 17.7 million in 2000
- Eighty percent of the golfers do not achieve a handicap of less than 18.(Source: Revista golf international. November 2000)
- The World's Largest Bunker is Hell's Half Acre on the 585-yard 7th hole of the Pine Valley Course in New Jersey.
- The number of people who play 25 times a year or more fell to 4.6 million in 2005 from 6.9 million in 2000
- -3 Three strokes under par is called an albatross (double-eagle):an impossibility for me
- -2 Two strokes under par is known as an eagle: a miracle if it happens.
- -1 One stroke under par is a Birdie: which does happen once in a blue moon
- 0 Equal to par is called a par or even: I hope to make at least once in a round of golf.
- +1 One stroke more than par is a bogey: will be quite happy with this.
- +2 Two strokes over par is a double bogey: happens more often than I care to admit.
- +3 Three strokes over par is a triple bogey: we come home totally upset if there ate too many.
- The Longest Hole in the World is the 7th hole (par 7) of the Sano Course at the Satsuki Golf Club in Japan. It measures a long 909 yards
- The total number of people who play has declined or remained flat each year since 2000, dropping to about 26 million from 30 million
- The World's Highest Golf Course is the Tactu Golf Club in Morococha, Peru, which sits 14,335 feet above sea level at its lowest point