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Amazing Facts About Internet


Written on 3:55 AM by Mrudula

  • Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, coined the phrase 'World Wide Web'
  • TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS ONLINE users 215 million online in the U.S. (71.4% of U.S. population) & 1,464 million online worldwide (21.9% of world population)
  • Someone is a victim of a cybercrime every 10 seconds, and it is on the rise.
  • The first computer mouse was introduced in 1968 by Douglas Engelbart at theFall Joint Computer Expo in San Francisco.
  • In June last year the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) said it had recorded afour increase in the numbers of online child pornographic images depicting the most severe abuse.
  • More than three million internet crimes were committed last year.
  1. 92% browse the Web
  2. 88% send/receive email
  3. 87% collect information about hobby or personal interest
  4. 81% collect product or service information
  5. 74% read the news
  6. 65% get business or work information
  7. 63% collect travel information
  8. 60% download images or photos
  9. 58% look up entertainment events
  10. 56% check the weather
  11. xx% doing online investing
  12. The 90's. The Internet exploded into the mainstream with the release of the first popular web browser Mosaic in 1993.
  13. It took 38 years for radio to reach 50 million users, 13 years for TV, and only 5 years for the Internet.
  14. The fastest-growing form of bank card fraud is "phishing" in which fraudsters set up a fake version of a genuine bank website and then send out thousands or even millions of spam emails driving consumers to the site.
  15. WHO’S BUYING WHAT (January 1999)
  1. MEN – men mostly buying computers, CDs and videos, 12.6 million male shoppers research automobiles and buy auto parts & 9.4 million men buy computers online
  2. WOMEN – number of women buyers up 80% , 9.6 million women bought books, CDs and videos, 6.9 million women buy clothing online & 6.4 million women buy computers online
  • The Internet is roughly 35% English, 65% Non-English with the Chinese at 14%. Yet only 13% of world's population, 812 million are Internet users as of Dec. '04.
  • North America has the highest continental concentration with70% of the people using the Internet.
  • Country with the highest percentage of net users is Sweden at 75%
  • One in four users of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Friends reunited unwittingly leave themselves open to crime by revealing personal details.
- Munnu

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