Baby Boy Names with Meaning - Alphabet C
Written on 2:45 AM by Mrudula
Cade-A short form of Cadell. |
Cadell-Battler. Of martial spirit. |
Cadman-Warrior. |
Cadmus-Man of the east. |
Caeden-Spirit of war. Warring Ethos. |
Caelan-A form of Nicholas. |
Cailean-Young Wolf. |
Cainan-Decendent of adam. Spear. |
Calder-Brook. Cool clear spring. Caldwell-Cold stream. |
Caleb-Heart. Messenger.Dog.Bold.Staunch. Calhoun-From the narrow woods. |
Calton-Coal Town. |
Calvert-Herdsman. |
Calvin-Bald one. |
Camden-Feom the winding valley. Cameron-Crooked nose.Awesome. Energetic. Excited. Bent nose. Name of a country/place. crooked stream. Cameroon-Name of a country/place, crooked stream, crooked nose. |
Campbell-Wry mouth. |
Canute-Knot. |
Cardew-From the black fort. |
Carew-From the fortress. |
Carey-From the castle. |
Caris-Love and Peace. |
Carlin-Little champion. |
Carlisle-Of the walled city. |
Carl-Manly. One having pride and strength. Charles. |
Carlo-Manly. |
Carlos-Strong and manly. |
Carlton-Carl's Town. |
Carmichael-Of Michael's stronghold. |
Carney-Warrior. |
Carrick-Of the rocky headlands. |
Carr-Marsh dewller. |
Carroll-Champion. |
Carson-Marsh dweller's son. |
Carswell-Dweller at the water-cress spring. |
Carter-Cart driver. |
Carvell-From the estate in the marshes. |
Carver-Woodcarver. |
Cary-From the castle. Name of a place |
Casey-Valorous. Watchful. |
Casimir-Herald of peace. |
Casper-Treasure. |
Cass-Herald of peace. |
Cassidy-Ingenious. |
Cassius-Vain. |
Caster-One who casts. |
Castor-Beaver. |
Cathmor-Great warrior. |
Cato-Wise. |
Cauveriranga-Lord Ranganatha. |
Cavell-Bold. |
Cayden-Spirit of war. |
Ceasar-Hairy child. Long-haired. |
Cecil-Blind. |
Cedric-Battle chieftain. Gift of splendour. |
Celeste-Heavenly. |
Cephas-Rock. |
Cesar-Long-haired. |
Chaanakya |
Chaaruchandra |
Chaarudatt |
Chaaruhaas |
Chacen-Huntsman. |
Chadburn-From the wildcat brook. Chadwick-From the warrior's town. Chaim-Life. |
Chad-Warlike. |
Chahel |
Chaitan |
Chaitanya-Energy. Vitality. |
Chaithra-First month of the year. Chaitya-A buddhist or jain temple. Chakor-A bird. |
Chakor-a bird enamoured of the moon |
Chakradev |
Chakradhar, Chakrapani-Vishnu wearing Charkra-Wheelweapon. Chakravak-A bird. |
Chakrapani-Lord Vishnu |
Chakravarthy-King. Emperor. Chakresh-King.Emperor. |
Chakshu-Eye. |
Chalavanth-A determined person. Chalmers-Son of the overseer. Chalukya-A king. |
Chaman-Joy. |
Chamanlal-garden |
Chamaraj-A king. |
Chamarajendra-A king. |
Chamatkar =Cleverness.Skill. Wonder. |
Champak-A fragnant flower. Chanaksha-Chanakya. |
Chanakya-A clever man. Wordlywise person. Author of 'Arthasastra',Book on Economics and Political science. |
Chanchal-Unsteady.Moving |
Chandak-the moon |
Chandan-sandalwood |
Chandira-The moon |
Chandler-Candle maker. |
Chandra Chood-One wearing Moon as jewel on his head. Shiva |
Chandra Kanth =Moonglow. Moonstone. A kind of crystal. Son of sage Yagnyavalkya. |
Chandra Mohan-Beautiful Moon |
Chandra Sekhar-One wearing Moon as jewel on his head. Shiva |
Chandra, Chandrabhan-the moon |
Chandrabanu-Son of Sri Krishna and Satyabama. |
Chandrabh-Moon light.One of the manus in jain mythology. |
Chandrachur-Lord Shiva |
Chandradev-A king. |
Chandradhar-Shiva. |
Chandraditya-A king. |
Chandrahas-A person with a beautiful smile. |
Chandrakanta-the moon |
Chandrakiran-A ray of moonlight. |
Chandrakirthi |
Chandrakishore-the moon |
Chandrak-peacock feather |
Chandrakumar-the moon |
Chandrama-The moon |
Chandramohan-attractive like the moon |
Chandra-Moon . |
Chandran |
Chandranath-Moon |
Chandraneel-A blue gem. |
Chandran-the moon |
Chandraprakash |
Chandraprakash-Moon light. |
Chandraraj-moonbeam |
Chandrashekhar-one who holds moon in his hair knot, Lord Shiva |
Chandratha |
Chandresh-lord of the moon |
Chandrodaya |
Channakeshav-Vishnu. |
Channamallikarjun-Shiva.Akkamhadevi's God. |
Channing-Knowing. |
Chanrasmey-Brightness from the moon. |
Chanyana |
Chapal-quick |
Chapin-Chaplain. |
Chapman-Merchant. |
Charan-feet |
Charanjit, Charanjeet-one who has won over the lord |
Chardeshna-Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna. |
Charles-A man. Manly. |
Charlie-Cutest boy. |
Charlton-Farmer's town. |
Charu |
Charuchandra-Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna. |
Charuchit-Person with beautiful mind. |
Charudatta |
Charudehi-Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna. |
Charugupta-Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna. |
Charuhas-Person with beautiful smile. |
Charuvardhana |
Charuvindha |
Chase-Hunter. Huntsman. |
Chasen-Huntsman. |
Chatham-Soldier's land. |
Chatrapathy-King. |
Chatur-Able.Efficient.Competent. |
Chaturanan-One with four faces.Brahma. |
Chaturbhuj-strong, broad shouldered |
Chaturmukh-One with four faces.Bramha. |
Chaturvedi-Who has studied the four Vedas. |
Chaturvyuh-One with who personifies in four arrys.Vishnu. |
Chatwin-Soldier's friend. |
Chaudary-Surname. |
Chauncey-Chancellor. |
Chayank-The Moon |
Chayapathi-The Sun. |
Chayce-Huntsman. |
Chaz-Form of Charles. |
Cheliyan |
Chellamani |
Chellamuthu |
Chellapan |
Cheluva-Handsome. |
Chemdat-beloved of, desired of |
Chemmal |
Cheney-From the oak forest. |
Chen-Great. |
Chester-From the army fort. |
Chetan |
Chetana-consciousness |
Chetananand-Bliss. |
Chetan-consciousness, life |
Chetan-Mind.Athma.Soul. |
Chetas-Mind.Heart. |
Chetty-Surname. |
Chevatkodiyon |
Chhandak-the charioteer of Lord Buddha |
Chidambar-one whose heart is as big as the sky |
Chidanand-Supreme happiness. Chidathma-Supreme spirit.The God. |
Chidruph-Knowledge.Incarnate. |
Chiduku-Little one. |
Chilton-From the spring farm. |
Chiman |
Chinmay |
Chinmayananda-blissful |
Chinmay-Pure intellect.One with intelligence and wisdom. |
Chinnadurai |
Chintak-Thinker.One who thinks. |
Chintamani-philosopher's stone |
Chintan |
Chintan-Thought. |
Chinthanaichelvan |
Chintya |
Chiradeep-Eternal lamp. |
Chirag-Lamp. |
Chiranjeev-immortal |
Chiranjeevi-Person blessed with long life. Chirantan-Everlasting.Endless.Ancient. Chitrachap-Rainbow. |
Chirantan-immortal |
Chirayu-immortal |
Chirtrang |
Chithayu |
Chitrabhanu-fire |
Chitragupta |
Chitrakanth-Pigeon. |
Chitraketu-Sri krishna's cousin.Uddhava's brother. Chitraksh-One with beautiful smile. |
Chitraksh-beautiful eyed |
Chitral-of variegated colour |
Chitranad-The Sun.Name of a Gandharva. Chitrashwa-Another name of Sathyavan. Chitravahan-Father of chitrangade(Arjuna's wife. Chitravahu-The Sun.Name of a year. |
Chitrarath-the sun |
Chitrasen-a king of Gandharvas |
Chitrayudh-A king. |
Chitresh |
Chitta-mind |
Chittamohan-Person with beautiful mind.Who attracts the mind. |
Chittaranjan-joy of inner mind |
Chittaswaroop-The supreme spirit. |
Chittaswarup-the supreme spirit |
Chittatosh-Happy. |
Chittesh-Lord of the mind. |
Chittranjan-Who pleases mind. Pleasing. |
Cholan |
Chong HWA =Straight Fire-Korean.Beautiful Flower-Chinese. |
Chowdary-Surname. |
Christian-Follower of Christ.Annointed. |
Christion-Strong and Attractive Appearance. |
Christopher-Christ-bearer. One who belives |
Chuck-Manly. |
Chudamani |
Cian-Ancient. |
Cicero-Chickpea. |
Citadel-A fortress on a high ground i.e. protecting and dominating. |
Clarence-Famous. Brighrt. Name of a place. |
Clark-Scholar, Surname. |
Claud-Lame. |
Clayton-Surname, Name of a place, Clay-pit site. Town at the clay beds. Clement-Merciful. Kind. |
Cleon-Famous. Cletus-Summoned. Cleveland-Cliff land. |
Cliff-Cliff. |
Clifford-Name of a place, Near a slope. River crossing at the cliff. |
Clifton-Town by the cliff. From the hill farm. |
Clinton-Name of a place, Surname, Near a hill. |
Clive-From the cliff. |
Clodagh-Sparkling Star. |
Clyde-Heard from a far. |
Cody-Helpful. |
Colbert-Brilliant seafarer. |
Colby-Dark. Dark haired. From the dark farm. |
Cole-Dovekeeper. |
Coleman-Dove, Peace. Dovekeeper. Colin-Child. |
Collier-Miner. |
Collin-Dove, Youth. |
Colston-Name of a place, Surname. Colton-From the dark town. |
Columbus =From the Italian explorer. |
Conan-Intelligent. |
Condon-Dark. Wise one. |
Conlan-Hero. |
Connar-Wise. Praised. |
Conner-High desire. |
Conrad-Wise counselor. |
Conroy-Wise one. |
Constantine-Firm. Constant. Conway-Hound of the plain. Cooper-Barrel maker. |
Copper-Surname. |
Corban-Gift for God. |
Corbett-Black hair. Raven. |
Corbin-Raven-haired. |
Corcoran-Of ruddy complexion. |
Cordero-Lamb. Lamb of god. |
Cormac-Champion. |
Cornell-Horn-coloured. |
Cort-Wise counsellor. |
Corwin-Raven. |
Corydon-Lark. |
Cory-Surname. |
Courtland-Of the court's land. |
Courtney-Of the court. |
Cowan-Of the hillside hollow. |
Craig-From the crag. |
Crandall-From the valley of cranes. |
Cranley-From the crane's meadow. |
Cranston-Of the crane's town. |
Crawford-From the crow ford. |
Creighton-From the creek town. |
Crispin-Curly-haired. |
Crispus-Given name of Crispus Attucks, black hero of the American Revolution. |
Crofton-From the fenced farm. |
Crompton-From the crooked farm. |
Cromwell-From the winding spring. |
Crosby-Dweller near the cross. |
Culbert-Brilliant seafarer. |
Cullen-Handsome. |
Culver-Dove. |
Curran-Champion. Hero. |
Curt-Courteous. |
Cuthbert-Famous. Brilliant. |
Cutler-Knifemaker. |
Cyncere-Dedicated acheiver. |
Cyndal-The moon. |
Cyprian-Man of Cyprus. |
Cyril-Lordly. From God. |
Cyrus-Sun.-Cyrus The Great. Established the Persian Empire. When that empire got weak after 2500 years. Alexander The Great defeated it, and established The ROMAN EMPIRE. |