Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet C
Written on 11:44 PM by Mrudula
Caitlin-Pure. Variant of Katherine. |
Caitrin-Form of Catherine. |
Caledonia-The old latin name for Scotland. |
Calida-Warm and loving. |
Calina-Warm & Loving. |
Calista-Most beautiful. |
Calla-From the African plant, the calla lily. |
Callum-Dove. |
Calvina-Feminine of Calvin. |
Cambria-The latin name for Wales. |
Cameo-A carved gem. |
Camilla-Attendant on the Gods. |
Camille-Free-born. Noble.Young ceremonial attendant. |
Cammie-A short form of Camille. |
Camryn-Crooked nose.Awesome. Energetic. Excited. Bent nose. Name of a country/place. crooked stream. |
Canace-Child of the wind. |
Canada-After the commonwealth of |
Canadace-Pure glowing. An ancient hereditary title used by the Ethiopian queens-like Caeser used by Roman emperors. |
Candice-An ancient hereditary title used by the Ethiopian queens |
Candida-Pure. Bright. |
Capri-For a child born under the sign of Capricorn. For the island near the Bay of Naples. |
Cara-Beloved. |
Carensa-Love. |
Cariluna-Mix of Carina + Luna. |
Carita-Charitable. |
Carla-Fem form of Carl. Feminine of Charles. |
Carletta-Strong & Womanly. |
Carley-Feminine form of Charles. |
Carlota-Petite or feminine. |
Carmel-God's vineyard. |
Carmem-Garden. |
Carol-Feminine form of Carl.Form of Carolyne. Joyous song. |
Caroline-Feminine of Charles. |
Carolyne-Feminine form of Charles. |
Carrie-Little and womanly. |
Caryn-Pure. |
Carys-Love. |
Caryus-To Love. |
Casey-Courageous.Valorous. Watchful |
Cassandra-Helper of men. The Trojan prophetess. Unheeded prophetess. |
Cassaundra-A prophetess for humankind. |
Cass-Herald of Peace. |
Cassie-Star Light. Star Bright. |
Casta-Pious. |
Catalina-Pure. |
Catherine-Pure. |
Catlina-Pure. |
Catriona-Pure. |
Cauvery |
Cecilia-Blind. |
Cecily-Love and Happy. Blind. |
Celeste-Celestrial, Heavenly. |
Celia-Blind. |
Celina-Moon. |
Ceres-The Roman Goddess of the harvest. Cerise-Cherry. |
Cerys-To love. |
Chaandini-Moonlight. |
Chaaya |
Chadna-love |
Chahana |
Chahat |
Chahna |
Chairavali |
Chaitali-born in the month of Chaitra |
Chaitaly |
Chaitan-consciousness |
Chaitanya |
Chaitra |
Chakori-a bird enamoured of the moon |
Chakrika |
Chalama |
Chaman |
Chameli-jasmine |
Champa-a flower |
Champabati-the capital |
Champakali-a bud of champa |
Champakavathi |
Champakmala |
Champamalini |
Champika |
Chanasya |
Chanchal |
Chanchala-restless |
Chanchari |
Chandalini |
Chandana-parrot |
Chandani-a river |
Chandanika-diminutive |
Chanda-One of the names assumed by Sakti, "the great Goddess". |
Chandika-diminutive of Chandana |
Chandini-Moon Light. |
Chandni-moonlit |
Chandrabali-Krishna;s girl-friend |
Chandrabhaga-river Chenab |
Chandrabindu |
Chandraja |
Chandrakala-moonbeams |
Chandrakin-a peacock |
Chandraleksha-a ray of the moon |
Chandramathi-Name of Harischandra's wife. |
Chandra-Moon |
Chandramukhi |
Chandrani-wife of the moon |
Chandratara |
Chandravathi |
Chandrika-Moonlight. |
Chandrima-the moon |
Chanel-Name of a famour perfume. Chanmundeswari-Durga. |
Changuna-a good woman |
Chantal-Stony place, Name of a place. |
Chantelle-Song. |
Chapala-restless; lighting |
Charissa-Grace. Kindness. |
Charita-good |
Charity-Esteem. |
Charlene-Strong. Womanly. |
Charlese-Princess. |
Charlotte-Feminine of Charles. |
Charmaine-Little song. |
Charu-Beautiful. |
Charukeshi-One with beautiful hair. |
Charulata-beautiful |
Charumathi-One with beautiful mind. |
Charunetra-One with beautiful eyes. Chausiku-Born at night. |
Charuprabha-beautiful |
Charusheela-a jewel |
Charusila |
Charvi-a beautiful woman |
Chatura |
Chatura-clever |
Chava-Life-giving. |
Chaya-Feminine of Chaim. Shadow. Surya's wife. |
Chayana |
Chellam |
Chellryn-Earth Witch. |
Chelsea-For the place name in London or NewYork. Landing on river, Name of a place. |
Chelsi-Name of a place. |
Chenoa-White dove. |
Cher-Beloved, Dear. |
Cherie-Dear one. |
Cheryl-Feminine of Charles. |
Chetana-Energy. Consciousness. Chintamani-A gem which is believed to give whatever asked. |
Cheyenne-A tribal name. |
Chhabi-picture |
Chhaya-shadow |
Chimayi-blissful |
Chintan, Chintana, Chintanika-meditation |
Chiquitta-Little one. |
Chirdrupi-Various forms. One of the names from Lalitha Sahasranamam. |
Chiti-love |
Chitkala-knowledge |
Chitrakala-Arts of Eternal Knowledge. |
Chitralekha-beautiful design; a celestial maiden |
Chitrali-a row of pictures |
Chitramala-series of pictures |
Chitramaya |
Chitrangada-one of Arjuna's wives |
Chitrani-the river |
Chitra-Painting. Picture. |
Chitra-picture; a stat; name of a river |
Chitrarathi |
Chitrarekha-picture |
Chitrita-picturesque |
Chloe-Fertile. Young maiden. Goddess of agriculture. Blooming. Young green shoot. |
Chloie-Variant of Chloe. |
Chloris-The Goddess of flowers. |
Choodamani-Jewel worn on head |
Christabelle-Beautiful Christian. Christina-Follower of Christ.Annointed. |
Christean-Feminine form of christian. |
Christine-Feminine of Christian. |
Christinna-Follower of Christ.Annointed. |
Chumban |
Chunni |
Ciana-Feminine form of John. |
Ciara-Dark. |
Cicely-From a Roman clan name. |
Cierra-Black. |
Cindrella-From the fairy tale. Clair,Clare-Bright. Shining. |
Claire-Clear, Bright, Brilliant. |
Clarabelle-Bright and Beautiful. |
Clara-Bright. Shining. |
Clare-Clear. Shinning. |
Clareta-Clear, Bright, Brilliant. |
Clarissa-Made famous. |
Claudia-Feminine of Claudius. Lame. |
Clelia-A legendary Roman heroine. Clematia-Vine. |
Clementine-Feminine of Clement. Cleopatra-Of a famous father. |
Clorinda-A name coined by the Italian poet Tasso. |
Clothilda-Battle maid. |
Clover-From the flower clover. |
Clytie-Splendid. |
Cody-Helpful. |
Colette-Victorious. |
Colleen-Girl. Maiden. |
Columba-Dove. |
Comfort-Aid.Comfort. |
Conception-Beginning. |
Concordia-Harmony. |
Connie-A familar form of Constance. |
Consolata-Consolation. |
Constance-Constancy. Firmness. |
Consuela-Consolation. |
Corabelle-Beautiful Maiden. |
Coral-Sea coral. |
Cora-Maiden. |
Cordelia-Jewel of the sea. |
Coretta-Maiden. |
Corin-Lion. |
Corinne-Maiden. |
Corinthia-From the Greek city of Corinth. |
Corliss-Good-natured. |
Cornelia-Feminine of Cornelius. |
Corryn-Lion. |
Cosima-Feminine of Cosmo. |
Courtney-Courtly. Courteous. Peaceful.Mischievous. Name of a place.Surname. |
Crescent Moon |
Cressida-Golden. |
Crispina-Feminine of Crispin. |
Crysella-Dark beauty. |
Crystal-Brilliant. Pure. Ice. Bright. |
Curyn-Lion. |
Cy-Baby girl. |
Cynara-Perhaps from the Aegean island of Zinara. |
Cynthia-A greek God. The Goddess of the Moon. |
Cypria-From the island of Cyprus. |
Cyra-Feminine of Cyrus. |
Cyrena-The water nymph. |
Cyril-From god. |
Cyrilla-Feminine of Cyril. |
Cytherea-A title assigned to Venus from the island of Cythera, her supposed birthplace |