Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet G
Written on 11:48 PM by Mrudula
Gabrielle-Feminine of Gabriel. |
Gagana |
Gaganadipika |
Gaganasindhu |
Gaia-An earth goddess |
Gail-Father Rejoices. Joyful. |
Gaja Lakshmi-Godess Lakshmi-one of the 8 Lakshmis. |
Gajagamini-majestic- like an elephant's walk |
Gajalakshmi |
Gajra-a string of flowers |
Galadriel-ga-LAD-dree-EL-Name of the queen of the elves. |
Galatea-Ivory-colored. |
Gale-My father Rejoices. Delightful. Name of king David's third wife. Source of joy. |
Gali-Fountain. |
Galilea-From the province of Galilee. |
Galina-Variant of Helen. |
Galya-God has redeemed. |
Gamma-The third-child. |
Ganda |
Gandha |
Gandhali-fragrance of flowers |
Gandhara |
Gandhari |
Gandharika |
Gandhini |
Ganga, Gangotri-sacred river of India |
Ganga-River Ganga. The Ganges. |
Gangika-river Ganga |
Ganika |
Ganit-Garden. |
Ganitha |
Ganjan |
Garati |
Garda-Protected. |
Gardenia-From the flower gardenia. |
Gargi-an ancient scholar |
Garima |
Garlanda-Wreath. |
Garnet-From the gem garnet. |
Gathika |
Gatita-a river |
Gauhar-a pearl |
Gaura-a fair woman |
Gauri-a fair woman; parvati |
Gaurika-a young girl |
Gautami-wife a sage Gautam; river Godavari |
Gavrila-Feminine of gabriel. |
Gayana |
Gayanthika |
Gayatri-the chant of salvation; Goddess Durga |
Gayla-Festive party. |
Gayle-Festive party. |
Gayne-Woman. |
Gayora-Valley of light. |
Gazala-a deer |
Gazit-Of hewn stone. |
Geena-silvery |
Geeta-holy book of the Hindus |
Geetali-As pure as the words of the Geeta or Gita. |
Geeti-a song |
Geetika-a little song |
Gelyanda-Wandering Angel. |
Gema-Gem.Jewel. |
Gemina-From the astrological sign Gemini. |
Gemma-Gem.Bud. |
Genesis-New Beginning. |
Geneva-Juniper tree. |
Genevieve-White wave. |
Georgia-Feminine of George |
Geraldine-Feminie of Gerald. Geranium-From the flower geranium. |
Gerda-Guarded. Protected. Germaine-A German. |
Gerogiana-Feminine of George. Gertrude-Spear maiden. |
Geshna |
Geula-Redemption. |
Gibralta-From the colony of straits of Gibraltar. |
Giinni |
Gilada-My joy is eternal. |
Gila-Joy. |
Gilberta-Feminine of Gilbert. |
Gilda-Servant of God. |
Gili-My joy. |
Gillian-Youthful. |
Gimra-Fulfilled. |
Gina-Garden. Queen. |
Ginger-Maidenly. |
Giovanna-Feminine of Giovanni. |
Gira |
Giribala |
Girija-born of a mountain; Goddess Parvati |
Giselle-Pledge. |
Gitali |
Gitana-Gypsy. |
Gitanjali-an offering of songs |
Gita-Song. Poem.Line. |
Githika |
Giulia-Its an Italian version of Julia. |
Giva-Hill. |
Gladys-Feminine of the Latin Claudius. |
Glenda-Feminine of Glenn. |
Glendine-Valley. |
Glenna-Feminine of Glenn. Valley. |
Gloria-Glory. |
Gloriana-Glory and Grace. |
Gnanachelvi |
Gnanamalar |
Gnanamangala |
Gnanamani |
Gnaneswari-Saraswati. |
Goda-Name of a devotee of Vishnu. |
Godavari-sacred river of India |
Goldie-Golden-haired. |
Gomati-name of a river |
Gool-a flower |
Gopa-Gautama's wife |
Gopi, Gopika-a cowherd; cowherd woman |
Gopika-Krishna's girl friend. |
Gorochana-Goddess Parvati |
Gourangi |
Govindi-a devotee of Lord krishna |
Gowri-Parvati. |
Grace-Grace. |
Greer-Feminine of Gregory. |
Greeshma |
Greta-A pearl. |
Gretchen-Pearl. |
Gretel-Pearl. |
Grhitha |
Grihalakshmi |
Griselda-Grey heroine |
Grishma |
Guadalupe-Wolf Valley. |
Gudia-Doll. |
Gudiya |
Gudrun-Daughter of the king of Nibelungs. |
Guinevere-White Wave. White Phantom. Fair lady. |
Gul |
Gulab-rose |
Gulal |
Gulika |
Guna |
Gunalakshmi |
Gunasundari |
Gunitha |
Gunjan |
Gunjana-buzzing of a bee |
Gunjika |
Gunwanti-virtuous |
Gurit-Feminine of Gurice. |
Gurjari-a raga |
Gurpraveen |
Gustava-Feminine of Gustave. |
Guyna-Woman. |
Gwendolen-White-browed. |
Gwynne-White. Fair. |
Gyanada-Goddess Saraswati |
Gypsy-Wanderer . |