Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet S
Written on 11:56 PM by Mrudula
Saachi |
Saanjh |
Saanvi |
Sabeena |
Sabelle-Short form of Isabel. Elizabeth. Dedicated to God. |
Sabina-One with beautiful eyes. Of the Sabines. Name of an ancient saint. |
Sabita, Savita-Sun. |
Sable-Black. |
Sabrang |
Sabra-Princess in the woods. Thorny. |
Sabri |
Sabrina-Goddess. Boundary line. |
Sachika |
Sachi-wife of Lord Indra |
Sadaf-pearl |
Sade-Short form of Folasade, an African name meaning "honour confers a crown". |
Sadgati-liberation |
Sadguna-good virtues |
Sadhana-Achievement. Fulfilment. |
Sadhana-worship |
Sadhan-fulfulment |
Sadhika-achiever |
Sadhri |
Sadhunisha-Very calm night. |
Sadhvi-virtuous woman |
Sadhya |
Sadie-Princess. |
Sadiqua-kindly |
Sadira-Lotus. |
Saeeda-priestly |
Saffron-From a crocus-flower. Expensive and rare. |
Safia-Pure. Best friend. |
Safiyah-Pure. Friend. |
Sagari |
Sagarika-wave; born in the ocean |
Sage-Wise one. |
Saguna-possessed of good qualities |
Sahaja-Natural. |
Sahana-a raga |
Sahana-Tolerant. Patient. |
Sahara-Wilderness. Name of a desert. |
Sahasra-Thousand. |
Saheli-friend |
Sahiba-the lady |
Sahila-guide |
Sahira |
Sahitha |
Sai-a flower |
Saida-Zaida . Huntress. Fortunate. |
Sailaja-Godess Parvathi Devi. |
Sajala-clouds |
Sajili-decorated |
Sajitha-Derived from Sajja. |
Sajja-Covered. Dressed. Ornamented. Armed. Fortified. |
Sajni-beloved |
Sakhi-Friend. |
Sakina-friend |
Saksham-Capable of doing things. |
Sakshi-Evidence. |
Saleema-Simple. |
Salena-The moon |
Salila-water |
Salima-happy |
Sally-Princess. |
Salma-peace |
Salonee-Beautiful dark girl. |
Saloni |
Samantha-Listener. Blend of Sam and Anthea. |
Samata-equality |
Sambhavi-Another name of durga. A kind of blue flowering sacred grass. |
Sameena-happy |
Sameera-Companion. |
Samhita-a vedic omposition |
Samidha-an offering for a sacred fire |
Sami-Exalted. Saint. Samira-Pleasant. |
Samika |
Samiksha-overview |
Samita-collected |
Samit-collected |
Samiya |
Sammathi |
Sampada-Goddess Laxmi.Money.Wealth. |
Sampada-wealthy |
Sampatti-wealth |
Sampriti-attachement |
Samridhi-Prosperity. |
Samrithi |
Samskara |
Samyama |
Samyuktha-United. |
Sanam-Idol. Beloved. Mistress. Image. |
Sananda-happy |
Sana-praise, prayer |
Sanatani |
Sanchali-movement |
Sanchaya-collection |
Sanchita-collection |
Sand |
Sandhaya-collection |
Sandhya-Evening. |
Sandra-God's helper. Helper of mankind. Short form of Alexandra. |
Sanemi |
Sangeetha-Music. |
Sangita-musical |
Sanika-Flute of Lord Krishna. |
Sanithi |
Saniya-Moment or Beyond comparision. |
Sanjana-Consciousness. Creator. Creative. |
Sanjana-gentle |
Sanjivani-immortality |
Sanjukta-wife of king prithviraj |
Sanjula-beautiful |
Sanjushree-beautiful |
Sankalpa-Resolve. Dream. Goal. |
Sankari |
Sankul-full of |
Sannidhi-Divine presence. In the presence of God. God's residence. |
Sannidhi-nearness |
Sanskriti-culture |
Santawana-consolation |
Santayani-of the evening |
Santhosha-Joy. |
Santina-A Saint. |
Sanvali-dusky |
Sanvi-Knowledge. |
Sanwari-dusky |
Sanyakta-joined; united |
Sanya-Meditative perception of the Mind. Threee valleys. |
Saoirse-Freedom. |
Saparna-leafy |
Sapna-Dream. |
Sapphire-Beautiful. Name of a jewel. Name of a colour. |
Sarada-Goddess Saraswati |
Sarah-Princess. Goddess. |
Sarakshi-good sight |
Sarala-Simple. |
Sarama-wife of Bibhisan |
Sarani-The thread that holds a garland together. |
Saranya-One who protects and guards. |
Saranya-surrendered |
Sara-Princess. Goddess. |
Sarasi-lake |
Saraswati-Goddess of Knowledge/Learning. |
Saraswati-goddess of learning |
Sarayu-a holy river |
Sarayu-Name of a river. |
Sarbani-Goddess Durga |
Sarianna-Gracious Princess. |
Sarika-a koel |
Sarika-Parrot. |
Sarina-Sara. Princess. Goddess. |
Sarita-Moving. Stream. River. |
Sarit-river |
Sarjana-creative; creation |
Saroja-Lotus. |
Sarojini-lotus |
Sarojini-Lotus pond. |
Saruchi |
Saruprani-beautiful woman |
Sarvari |
Sarvika |
Sasa-Help. Aid. |
Sasha-Defender of Mankind. |
Sasikala-Art of moon. Moon light. Digit of moon. |
Saskia-Protector of the universe. |
Sasmita-smiling |
Satara-Princess. |
Satha |
Sati-chaste woman |
Satidevi-Parvati. |
Satvika-Truth. Peaceful. |
Satyaki-one who is truthful |
Satyarupa-truth; personified |
Satya-truth |
Satyavati-truthful |
Saudamini-lightning |
Saujanya |
Saumya-Resembling the moon. |
Savannah-Grassland. Treeless plain. |
Savitashri-lustre of the sun |
Savita-Sun. Sweet. |
Savitri-a river; Goddess Saraswati |
Savni-Goddess Lakshmi. |
Sawini-a river |
Sayeeda-leader |
Scarlett-Surname. Bright red colour. |
Scrivener-Scribe. |
Seana-Feminine form of Sean-John. |
Seeker of God |
Seema-boundary |
Seemantini-woman |
Seemanti-parting line |
Seerat-inner beauty; fame |
Seeta-Name of Sri Rama's wife. |
Sejal-river water |
Selena-Goddess of the moon. |
Selene-Moon. |
Selika-Loved by many. |
Selma-Gods protection. |
Selvi-Wealth. |
Semanti-a white rose |
Serafin-An angel from the heaven. |
Serap-Mirage |
Serena-quiet |
Serena-Serene. Calm. |
Serenity-Serene. Calm. |
Sesha |
Sesharatnam-Crown Jewel. |
Sevati-white rose |
Sevita-cherished |
Sew |
Shabab-beauty |
Shabalini-a mossy |
Shabana-decorated |
Shabari-a tribal devotee of Lord Rama |
Shabnum-Dew. Snow. |
Shachi-wife of Lord Indra |
Shadiya-Singer. |
Shaely-Fairy. |
Shagufta-flowering |
Shaheena-tender |
Shahla-Queen. |
Shaila-River. |
Shaili-style |
Shaina-Beautiful. |
Shakambari-Goddess Parvati |
Shakeela-beautiful |
Shakeela-Beautiful. |
Shakeel-handsome |
Shakti-Goddess Durga; power |
Shakti-Parvati. |
Shakuntala-brought up by birds |
Shakyra-Thankful. |
Shalaka-Spark. |
Shala-River. |
Shalibeth-Daughter of peace. |
Shalika-Parrot. |
Shalini-Modest. |
Shalin-silk-cottom tree |
Shalisa-Name of a place. |
Shallaway-Beautiful Jasper. |
Shalmali-silk-cottom tree |
Shalyn-Stars over water. |
Shama-a flame |
Shambavi-Goddess of Health, Wealth & Courage. |
Shambhavi-Parvati. |
Shameena-beautiful |
Shamili-Dark. |
Shamim-fire |
Shamita-peacemaker |
Shampa-lightning |
Shana-Wise. Old. God is gracious. |
Shancy-Elegant lady. |
Shandra-Chandra. Moon . Church of the fortress. |
Shandy-Name derived from Shan or cham meaning English wine. |
Shane-An alternate form of shana. |
Shani Hadia-Marvellous gift. |
Shania-On my way. |
Shani-Marvel. Wonder. An African name. |
Shankari-Goddess Parvati |
Shankhamala-a fairytale princess |
Shanna-Beautiful. |
Shannara -Goddess . Princess. Shahnaz-King's glory. |
Shannon-Wise. |
Shantala-Goddess Parvati |
Shanta-peaceful; daughter of kind Dasarath |
Shantel-Singer. |
Shanti-Peace. |
Sharadini-autumn |
Sharalyn-Flat Plain. |
Sharanya-surrender |
Sharde-Honour confers a crown. |
Shariba |
Sharieli-Princess of god. |
Sharika-Goddess Durga |
Sharik-God's child. One on whom the sun shines. |
Shari-Sarah. Princess. Goddess. |
Sharleen-Little and Womanly. |
Sharmaine-A form of Charmaine. |
Sharmila-happy |
Sharmila-Modest. Happy. |
Sharmistha-wife of Yayat |
Sharon-A princess. Exotic princess. |
Sharvani-Goddess Parvati |
Sharvari-the night |
Shashibala-the moon |
Shashirekha-moon's ray |
Shashi-the moon |
Shasta-Tribal name. Name of a mountain. |
Shaswati-eternal |
Shatarupa-Lord Shiva |
Shauna-God is gracious. |
Shaveena-God is gracious. |
Shawna-Slow waters. |
Shay-Courteous. Gift |
Shayla-River. |
Shaylin-Fairy Palace. |
Shayna-Pretty Woman. Beautiful. |
Shazia-Priceless. |
Shea-Courteous. Gift. |
Sheba-Name of a kingdom in southern Arabia noted for its great wealth. |
Sheela-cool |
Sheela-Virtue. Gentle. |
Sheena-God is Gracious. |
Sheetal-Cool. Pleasant feeling. |
Shefali-a flower |
Shefalika-a flower |
Sheila-Virtue. Gentle. |
Shejali-a fruit |
Shekhar-Lord Shiva |
Shelby-Ledge Estate. Willow farm. |
Shelly-Meadow on the ledge. |
Sheneeza-God is Gracious |
Sheri-Cherished One |
Sheridan-Bright. |
Sherry-Short form of Sharon. |
Sheryne-An amazing, beautiful girl. |
Shevanti-a flower |
Shey-Courteous. Gift. |
Shibani-Goddess Durga |
Shikha-Highest peak of the mountain. Branch. Flame. |
Shila-Stone. |
Shilavati-a river |
Shiloh-The one to whom it belongs. |
Shilpa-Sculpture. |
Shilpi-Idol maker. |
Shilpita-well- proportioned |
Shinjini-anklebells |
Shipra-a river |
Shiralee -The swagmans swag. The burden. |
Shirdena-Female variant of Sheridan. |
Shireesha-A delicate flower. |
Shirin-sweet |
Shirley-Bright meadow. |
Shishirkana-particles of dew |
Shital-Calm. Quiet. Cool. Pleasant feeling. |
Shiuli-a flower |
Shivangi-beautiful |
Shivani-Energy. Parvati. |
Shivanne |
Shobana-Beautiful. |
Shobhana-Shining. Glowing. One who glows. The bright one. |
Shobha-splendour |
Shobhita-splendid |
Shomili |
Shorashi-young woman |
Shraddha-veneration |
Shradha-Lakshmi goddess. |
Shravana, Shrabana-name of a star |
Shravani-born in the month of Shravan |
Shravanti-a name in Buddhist literature |
Shravasti-an ancient Indian city |
Shree-Goddess Lakshmi |
Shreela-beautiful |
Shreemayi-fortunate |
Shreeparna-tree adorned with leaves |
Shrestha |
Shreya-better |
Shreyashi |
Shreyashi-good |
Shreya-To give credit to someone. |
Shria-Goddess Lakshmi. |
Shridevi-goddess |
Shridula-blessing |
Shrigauri-goddess Parvati |
Shrigeeta-the sacred Geeta |
Shrijani-creative |
Shrikirti-lustrous fame |
Shrikumari-lustrious |
Shrilata-lustrious creeper |
Shrilekha-lustrious essay |
Shri-lustre |
Shrimati-Goddess lakshmi; fortunate |
Shrimayi-fortunate |
Shrishti-Mother nature. |
Shrivalli-Goddess Lakshmi |
Shriya |
Shrujal-Dedicated. |
Shruthi-Vedas, Heard or revealed. |
Shruti-hearing; Veidc text |
Shubhada-giver of luck |
Shubhangi-handsome |
Shubhra-white; the Ganga |
Shuchi-Pious. |
Shuchismita-one who has a pure smile |
Shuchita-purity |
Shukla-Goddess Saraswati |
Shukti-pearl-oyster |
Shulka-Goddess Saraswati |
Shweta-White. Fair. |
Shwetika |
Shyama-dark as cloud; Goddess kali |
Shyamala-Dark complexioned. |
Shyamala-dusky |
Shyamal-dusky |
Shyamali-dusky |
Shyamalika-dusky |
Shyamalima-dusky |
Shyamangi-dark-complexioned |
Shyamari-dusky |
Shyamasri-dusky |
Shyamlata-a creeper with dusky leaves |
Shyanne-An American tribal name. |
Shyla-Daughter of the mountain. Goddess Parvati. |
Sian-God is merciful. |
Sibani-goddess parvati |
Sibyl-Prophetess. Oracle. |
Siddheshwari-Lord Shiva |
Siddhi-achievement |
Siddhima-achievement |
Sidney-Name of a city. From St.Denis. |
Sidonia-From Sidon. |
Sienna-Name of a city. Brownish red colour. |
Sierrah-Adventurous spirit. |
Sierra-Mountains. Mountainous. |
Sigrid-Beautiful. Victorious. |
Sijenna-God is Gracious. |
Sikata-sand |
Sikta-wet |
Silk-cottom tree |
Silvana-Woodland. Forest. |
Silvia-Wood. Forest. |
Simone-Hear. Listen. |
Simon-Hear. Listen. |
Simran-Remember. |
Simrit, Smrita-remembered |
Sin-Beneath the legends |
Sindhuja-Daughter of ocean. |
Sindhu-ocean; river |
Sindhura-Hibiscus Flower. One of the names from the Lalitha Sahasranamam. |
Sinead-Variant of Jane-His favor. |
Sinsapa-Ashok tree |
Sirisha-Sacred. Delicate flower. |
Siri-Wealth. Beautiful. Victorious. |
Sitara-Name of a musical instrument. |
Sita-wife of Lord Rama |
SivaSankari |
Siya-Sita |
Skylana-Heavens Light. |
Skylar-Scholar. |
Sloane-Fighter. Warrior. |
Smitha-Smile. |
Smriti-memory |
Smruthi-Guideline. Rememberence. |
Sneha-affection |
Snehalata-creeper of love |
Snehal-friendly |
Sneya-Life of the oceans. |
Snigdha-Innocence. |
Sofia-Variant of Sophia-wisdom. |
Sohalia-moon-glow |
Sohana |
Sohni-beautiful |
Solana-Sunshine. Eastern wind. |
Solange-Solemn. Dignified. Name of a saint. Angel of the Sun. |
Somalakshmi-lustre of the moon |
Soma-moon-rays |
Somansh-half moon |
Sona-gold |
Sonakshi-golden-eyed |
Sonal-golden |
Sonali-golden |
Sonam |
Sonia-Wise. Wisdom. |
Sonika-golden |
Sonu-Gold. Beautiful. |
Sony-Gold. |
Soorat-beauty |
Sophia-Wisdom. Wise |
Sophie-Familiar form of Sophia. |
Sorah-Sea Shell. |
Soraya-Princess. Constellation. |
Soujanya-Courtesy. |
Soumya-Patient girl. |
Soundarya-Beauty. |
Sourabhi-fragrance; the celestial cow |
Source of great welfare |
sowmya |
Spandana-Vibration. Reaction. |
Sphatika |
Splendid |
Splendour |
Spring-Season. |
Spurthi-Drive. Encouragement. Stimulation. |
Sraavya-Sweet to listen either in speech or singing. |
Sraddha-Faith. Trust. Confidence. Reverence. Loyalty. Interest. Concentration |
Sragvi |
Sravanthi-Stream. A river. Continuous Flow. |
Sreelatha-Divine vine. |
Sreshta-The best. The Great. |
Sri Devi-Lakshmi. |
Sri Gowri-Parvati. |
Sridevi, Sreedevi-Goddess Lakshmi |
Srihita - A verse-good hearing or saying. Name from Vishnu Sahasra namamam. |
Srija-Lakshmi. |
Srilahari-Wave. |
Srilakshmi-Lakshmi. |
Srilasya-Sri stands for goddess lakshmi and lasya implies the graceful aspect of dance. |
Srishti-Universe. World. |
Sristi-creation |
Srivalli-Wife of snake god. |
Srividya-Saraswati. |
Sriya |
Srujana-Good creativity. |
Srujanika |
Srushty-Whole earth. |
Sruthakeerthi-Fair & Glory. |
Sruti-Veda. |
Ssoft; meritorious |
Stacey-Resurrection. |
Stacia-Resurrection. |
Star Skye-A nickname. |
Starla-Star. Astonomical name meaning star. |
Stavita-praised |
Stella-Star |
Stephanie-The crowned one. Crown. Wreath. |
Stevie-Short form of Stephanie. |
Stormy-Storm. |
Stuthi-Praise God. Hymn. |
Stuti-praise |
Subani-Good vani.-Voice. |
Subarna-of the colour of gold |
Subha-Auspicious. Good. |
Subhada-Giver of prosperity. |
Subhadra-source of great welfare |
Subhagya |
Subhagya-lucky |
Subhashini-well-spoken |
Subrata-devoted to what is right |
Suchandra-beautiful |
Sucharita-of good character |
Sucheta-with a beautiful mind |
Suchi-radiant |
Suchira-tasteful |
Suchita-beautiful |
Suchitra-beautiful |
Suchitra-Good picture. Beautiful painting. |
Sudakshima-wife of king Dilip |
Sudarshana-handsome |
Sudeeksha-Girl with strong determination. |
Sudeepa-bright |
Sudeepta-bright |
Sudehsna-Name of Virata Queen. |
Sudeshna-wife of king Virata |
Sudhakshina-Very sincere. |
Sudhamayi-full of nectar |
Sudha-nectar |
Sudhanvita-One who's full of nectar. Pleasant. Charming. |
Sudhira-calm |
Sudhithi |
Sudipta-bright |
Sudipti-brightness |
Sugita-beautifully sung |
Sugouri-Goddess Parvati |
Suguna-One with good habits. |
Suhag-love |
Suhaila-moon-glow |
Suhasini-ever-smiling |
Suhela |
Suhina-beautiful |
Suhitha |
Suhrita-well-disposed |
Suitable |
Sujaashri-A Great Wealth. |
Suja-Good birth. |
Sujala-affectionate |
Sujata-Well-born. Noble. Fine. Beautiful. |
Sujaya-A great triumph. |
Sujaya-victory |
Sujjvala-Clear. |
Sukanya-comely |
Sukeshi-with beautiful hari |
Sukriti-good deed |
Sukthi |
Sukumari-soft; meritorious |
Sulabha-easy; natural |
Sulabha-Simple. |
Sulakshana-well brought up |
Sulalita-very pleasing |
Sulekha-Good writer. |
Sulekh-beautifullY |
Sulochana-one with beautiful eyes |
Suloch-one with beautiful eyes |
Sultana-queen |
Suma-Flower. |
Sumaiah-Name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad and mother of Ammar-i-Yasir, who is considered the first woman martyr of Islam. |
Sumaiya-High. |
Suman-A person with good soul. Flower. |
Sumana-flower |
Sumangali-Auspicious. Holy. Another name for goddess Parvathi. |
Sumanolata-flowery |
Sumati-Good minded. |
Sumati-wisdom |
Sumayyah-Name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad and mother of Ammar-i-Yasir, who is considered the first woman martyr of Islam. |
Sumedha-Having a brilliant mind. Intelligent. |
Sumiko-Child of goodness. Beautiful child. |
Sumita-a good friend |
Sumitra-name of the mother of Lakshmana |
Summer-A nature name. Name of a season used as girl's name. |
Sunaina-One with beautiful eyes. |
Sunanda-very pleasing |
Sunandini-happy |
Sunandita-happy |
Sunaya |
Sunayana-a woman with lovely eyes |
Sunayani-a woman with lovely eyes |
Sundari-beautiful |
Sundha-a character in Ramayana |
Suneeti-mother of Dhruva |
Suneta-One with good morals. |
Sunetra-one with beautiful eyes |
Sunila-blue |
Sunita-One with good morals. Well behaved. |
Sunitha-Good Conduct. |
Suniti-good principles |
Sunnidhi-Divine presence. In the presence of God. God's residence. |
Sunny-Sunshine. |
Suntana-Beautiful girl. |
Suparna-leafy |
Supeksha-Nice dreams. |
Suprabha-radiant |
Supraja-One that hold the happiness of the world. |
Supriti-true love |
Supriya-beloved |
Surabhee-Fragnance. Sandal wood. |
Suraksha-protection |
Surama-very pleasing |
Suranjana-pleasing |
Surbhi-Khushbu & Kamdhenu cow. |
Surekha-beautifully drawn |
Surina-a goddess |
Sur-Music to ears. |
Suruchi-good taste |
Suryakanti-suns's rays |
Susan-Lily. |
Susannah-A form of Susan. |
Suseela-One with good conduct. |
Sushama-beauty |
Sushanti-peace |
Sushila-well-behaved |
Sushma-Beautiful woman. |
Sushmita-One with a pleasant smile. |
Sushobhana-very beautiful |
Susita-white |
Susmita-smiling |
Sutanuka-beautiful |
Sutapa-seeker of God |
Sutra |
Suvarna-golden |
Suvarnaprabha-lustre of gold |
Suvarnarekha-ray of gold |
Suvarnmala-golden necklace |
Suzanne-Lily. |
Suzu-Long lived. Spring. Autumn child. |
Svea-Unique. |
Svetlana-A very bright star. |
Swadhinta |
Swagata-welcome |
Swaha-wife of Agni; the lord of the fire |
Swapna-dreamlike, dream |
Swapnali-dreamlike |
Swapnasundari-dream girl, woman of dreams |
Swapnil-Dreamy. |
Swarna Rekha-Golden line. Fortune line. |
Swarna-Gold. |
Swarnalata-lustrous |
Swarnika |
Swarnima |
Swaroop-Good looking. |
Swarupa-truth |
Swasti-name of a star |
Swathya-Goddess Durga. |
Swati-name of a star |
Sweet |
Swetha-White. Fair complexion. |
Sybil-Prophetess. Oracle. |
Sydney-Name of a city. |
Sylaja-Parvati. |
Sylvia-Forest. |
Sylvie-A maiden of the forest. |
Syona-Lucky. |