Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet H
Written on 11:49 PM by Mrudula
Haadiyaa |
Habiba-beloved |
Habibah-Beloved. |
Hadara-Splendid. |
Hadassah-Myrtle tree. |
Hafiza-protected |
Hagar-One who flees. |
Haifa-From the city in Israel. |
Hailie-Gorgeous. Funny. |
Haima |
Haimavati-Parvati, Lord Shiva's wife |
Haimi |
Halcyone-Kingfisher bird. |
Haldis-Purposeful. |
Haleema |
Haleh-Eclipse |
Haley-Ingenious. Scientific. Ingenious. |
Halima-Gentle. |
Hallie-Feminine of Harold. |
Halona-Happy fortune. |
Hamna-Warm hearted. |
Hamsa-Swan.Soul.Goose.Gander. |
Hamsika-Goddess Saraswathi. |
Hamsini |
Hamuda-Desirable. |
Hanifa-True. |
Hanima-a wave |
Haniya |
Hannah-Grace. God has favoured me. Favouring. Mercy. Mother of Samuel |
Hansanandini |
Hansa-swan |
Hansaveni |
Hansika-swan |
Hansini-swan |
Haralda-Feminine of Harold. |
Harathi-Divine fire in puja ritual |
Hariganga |
Harijatha |
Harika-Another name for Goddess Lakshmi. Dear to Lord Vishnu. |
Harimanti-born in the season of hemanta |
Harinakshi-doe-eyed |
Harini-deer |
Haripriya-consort of Lord Vishnu; lakshmi |
Harita-green |
Harithi |
Harmony-Concord. |
Harmya |
Harnoor |
Harper-Harp player. One who plays harp. |
Harriet-Mistress of the home. |
Harsh Prada-One who gives joy. |
Harshada-giver of joy |
Harsha-happiness |
Harshala-Happiness. |
Harshika |
Harshini-joyous |
Harshita-Joyfull. Full of joy. |
Harshna-Happiness. |
Hasanthi |
Hasia-Protected by god. |
Hasida-Pious. |
Hasika |
Hasina-beautiful |
Hasita-happy |
Hasna |
Hasumati-happy |
Hatisha |
Hattie-Mistress of the home. |
Hawthorn-From the hawthorn tree. |
Hazel-From the hazel tree. |
Heather-Flower, Flowering health. |
Hedda-Refuge in battle. |
Hedwig-Refuge in battle. |
Hedya-Voice of the lord. |
Hedy-Pleasant, Sweet. |
Hedy-Refuge in battle. |
Heera-diamond |
Heidi-Light. Dim. Noble. Nobility.Battle maid. |
Helen-The bright one. Light |
Helga-Holy. |
Helli-Light. |
Helsa-Consecrated to God. |
Hema Latha-Golden creeper. |
Hema-golden |
Hemakshi |
Hemamalini-Golden creeper. |
Hemangi-goldenbodied |
Hemani |
Hemanti-early winter |
Hemanya |
Hemapriya-Lover of Gold. |
Hemavathi-Name of a river. |
Hemavati-golden Parvati |
Hemlata-golden creeper |
Hemshikha-Peak of Gold. |
Hena-a flower |
Henna |
Henrietta-Ruler of home. Feminine of Henry. |
Henriett-Home ruler. |
Hephzibah-My joy is in her. |
Hera-The queen of the gods. Hermione-Strong. |
Hesper-Evening star |
Hester-Star |
Hetal-friendly |
Hiba-Gift from God. |
Hibernia-The old latin name for Ireland. |
Hibiscus-From the flower hibiscus. |
Hila-Praise. |
Hilary,Hillary-Cheerful, Happy. |
Hilary-Cheerful. |
Hilda-Battle. Maid. |
Hildegard-Battle maid. |
Hilit-Radiance. |
Hima Bindu-Dew Drop. |
Himagouri |
Himaja |
Himani-snow |
Himanshi-Cool like ice. |
Hima-snow |
Himasri-Gowri. |
Hina-henna |
Hinda-Deer. |
Hindola-a raga |
Hiral-lustrous |
Hiran-Deer. |
Hiranmayi-golden |
Hiranya |
Hiranyadha |
Hirkani-small diamond |
Hisa-Enduring. |
Hiya-heart |
Hoa-Peace. |
Holika |
Hollie-Holy Tree. |
Holly-From the holy tree. |
Honora-Honorable. |
Hoor-a celestical |
Horacia-Feminine of Horace. |
Hortense-Gardener. |
Hoshi-Star |
Hradha |
Huberta-Feminine of Hubert. |
Huette-Feminine of Hugh. |
Hulda-An Old Testament prophetess.Variant of Hilda. |
Huma-Name of the bird phoenix, which regenerates from its own ashes. |
Husna-beautiful |
Hyacinth-From the flower Hyacinth. Hydrangea-From the flower hydrangea. |
Hyma-Goddess Parvathi. |
Hymavathi-Goddess Parvathi. |
Hypatia-Beautiful and wise 5th century philosopher and mathematician. |