Baby Boy Names With Meanings - Alphabet S
Written on 9:25 AM by Mrudula
Saahil-Guide. |
Saakaar |
Saanjh |
Saaras |
Saatatya |
Saatvik |
Sabal |
Sabarinathan |
Sabhya |
Sabrang |
Sacchidananda-total bliss |
Sachetan-animated |
Sachet-consciousness |
Sachin-Lord Indra |
Sachit-consciousness |
Sadaiappan |
Sadanand-One who is always happy. Vishnu. |
Sadashiva-eternally pure |
Sadashiv-Easwar, Shiv. |
Sadeepan-lighted up |
Sadhan |
Sadiq-kingly |
Saeed-Priestly. |
Sagar-ocean |
Sagun-possessed of qualities |
Sahadev-Last and most beautiful of Pandava brothers and Madri's son. |
Sahaj-natural |
Sahar-Dawn. Morning. |
Sahas-bravery |
Sahasranam-Thousand names. |
Sahay |
Sahdev-one of the Pandava princes |
Sahib-the lord |
Sahil-guide |
Sahil-Sea-shore. |
Sahithi-Literature. |
Sai Prasad-Gift of Sai Baba. |
Saibaba |
Saikumar-Son of Sai Baba. |
Sainath-Saibaba |
Saipraasad-blessing |
Saipratap-blessing of Saibaba |
Sajal-moist |
Sajan-beloved |
Saket-Llrd Krishna |
Salaman-high |
Salarjung-beautiful |
Saleem-Healthy. Simple. |
Salil-water |
Salim-happy; peaceful |
Salman-Peaceful. |
Salomon-Another form of Solomon. |
Salvador-Savior. |
Salvatore-Savior. |
Sam-A short form of Samuel. |
Samantha |
Samanvaya |
Samarendra-Lord Vishnu |
Samarendu-Lord Vishnu |
Samarjit-Lord Vishnu |
Samarth-powerful |
Samar-war |
Samay-God of time. |
Sambaran-restraint; name of an ancient king |
Sambhav-born; mainfested |
Sambhddha-wise |
Sambit-consciousness |
Sameen-valuable |
Sameer-Breeze. Wind. |
Samendra-winner of war |
Samgram |
Samiran-breeze |
Samir-God of Wind. |
Samith-Collected. United with. Complete. |
Sammath |
Sampath-Riches. |
Sampat-prosperous |
Samudragupta-a famous Gupta king |
Samudra-ocean |
Samudrasen-lord of the ocean |
Samuel-Told by God. |
Samvath |
Samyak-enough |
Sanabhi-related |
Sanam-beloved |
Sanatan-eternal |
Sanat-Lord Brahma |
Sanchay-collection |
Sanchit-collected |
Sandananda-eternal bliss |
Sandeepen-a sage |
Sandeep-Lamp. |
Sanghamitra-Friend of society. |
Sangupt |
Sanjan |
Sanjay-Bhritarashtra's charioteer |
Sanjeev-Hanuman who brought the life saving herb called Sanjeevini to revive Lakshman. |
Sanjith-Healthy. |
Sanjivan-immortality |
Sanjiv-love; life |
Sankalpa-resolve |
Sankarshan-a name of Balaram, brother of Lord Krishna |
Sanketh-Signal. Symbol. |
Sanobar-palm tree |
Santosh-Happiness. Joy. Pleasure. |
Sanurag-Affectionate. |
Sanvi-Knowledge. |
Sanwariya-Lord Krishna |
Sanyog-conincidence |
Sapan-dream |
Saquib-bright |
Saral-straight |
Sarang |
Sarangapani-Easwar. |
Saras-a bird; lake |
Sarasija-lotus |
Sarat-a sage |
Saravanabhava-Born in a reed-forest. |
Saravanan |
Sarbajit-one who has conquered everything |
Sarfaraz-head held high |
Saroj-Lotus. |
Sartaj-crown |
Sarthak-well done |
Sarup-beautiful |
Sarvadaman-son of Shakuntala-Bharat |
Sarvagya-A person with all the knowledge. |
Sarvajit-One who conquered everythinig. |
Sarvanavel |
Sarvesh-lord of all |
Sarvesh-One who is everywhere. God. |
Sarwar-promotion |
Sashreek-prosperous |
Sasi-Moon. |
Satej-Sharp. |
Sathvik-One who is having good character. |
Satindra-Lord Vishnu |
Satish-One who speaks truth. Sati's husband. Shiva. |
Satrajit-Name of a king. Satyabhama's father. |
Satrijit-father of Satyabhama, wife of Lord Krishna |
Satvamohan-truthful |
Satya Narayana-Another name of Lord Vishnu. A Divinity. |
Satyajit-wedded to truth |
Satyakam-son of Jabala in the Mahabharata |
Satyaki-charioteer of Krishna |
Satyanarayan-Lord Krishna |
Satyankar-true; good |
Satyaprakash-light of truth |
Satyapriya-devoted to truth |
Satyasheel-truthful |
Satya-Truth. |
Satyavan-husband of Savitri; true |
Satyavrata-dedicated to truth |
Satyendra-lord of truth |
Saunak |
Saurabh |
Savannah-Treeless Plain. |
Savanth |
Savar-Lord Shiva |
Savitendra-the sun |
Sawan-a Hindu month |
Sayam-evening |
Sayed-leader |
Schuyler-Shield. Scholar. Shelter. |
Scott-From Scotland. A Gael. Scotsman. |
Sean-Variant of John. |
Sebastian-Revered. |
Seemanta-parting line of hair |
Seetharaman-Lord Sree Ram. |
Sehen-Patience. |
Selvakumaran |
Selvan |
Selvannmbi |
Sendhil |
SendhilNathan |
Sengannan |
Senmal |
Senthamarai |
Senthil-Another name for Lord Muruga. |
Servant |
Seshagiri-Hills at Tirumala. |
Sesh-Serpent God. |
Seth-Appointed. The third named son of Adam and Eve. |
Seton-Town near the sea. |
Sevak-servant |
Shaakir-Contented. |
Shaan-pride |
Shachin-dra--Lord Indra |
Shadab-fresh |
Shae-Courteous. Gift |
Shaheen-tender |
Shahid-patriot |
Shailendra-king of mountains |
Shailesh-Lord of the Mountain. |
Shaistakhan-polite |
Shakib-patience |
Shakti |
Shaktidhar-Lord Shiva |
Shakyasinha-Lord Buddha |
Shalom-Peace. |
Shamarah-Ready for battle. |
Shambhu-Lord Shiva |
Shameek-an ancient sage |
Shami-fire |
Shamindra-quiet; gentle |
Shams-fragrance |
Shamshu, Shamshad-beautiful |
Shamsundar-Sri Krishna. |
Shandar-proud |
Shankar-Lord Shiva |
Shankar-Shiva. Easwar. |
Shankha-conch |
Shanmukha, Shanmuga-Kartikeya, first son of Lord Shiva |
Shanmukh-Another name of Lord Muruga. |
Shantanu-An ancient Indian king and Father of Bheeshma. |
Shantaram-One who is cool like Rama. Calm person. |
Shantashil-gentle |
Shanthan-One who is always cool and calm. |
Shantimay-peaceful |
Shantinath-lord of peace |
Shantiprakash-light of peace |
Shantipriya-peace-loving |
Sharad, Sarat-autumn |
Sharadchandra-autumn moon |
Sharadindu-autumn moon |
Sharang-deer |
Sharan-shelter |
Sharat-Name of a Season. |
Shardul-tiger |
Shariq-intelligent |
Sharma-Joy. |
Shashanka-the moon |
Shashank-Moon. |
Shashibhushan-Lord Shiva |
Shashidhar-the moon |
Shashikiran-moon's rays |
Shashimohan-the moon |
Shashishekhar-Lord Shiva |
Shatrughna, Shatrughan-victorious |
Shatrugna-Sri Rama's younger brother. |
Shatrujit-victorious over enemies |
Shatrunjay-victorious |
Shattesh-king of mountains |
Shaukat-grand |
Shaunak-a great sage |
Shauna-Variant of John. |
Shaurav |
Shavac-Given by god. |
Shawn-God is Gracious. |
Shea-Courteous. Gift |
Sheetal-cool |
Shekhar-Lord Shiva |
Shesh-cosmic serpent |
Shevantilal-a crysanthemum |
Shibi-Name of a king. |
Shikhadri-Top of mountain. |
Shikha-flame |
Shikhar-peak |
Shirish-a flower; raintree |
Shiromani-superb jewel |
Shirshirchandra-winter moon |
Shishirkumar-the moon |
Shishir-winter |
Shishupal-sone of Subhadra |
Shivaraman-Lord Sree Ram. Shreekumar-Son of Goddess Lakshmi. |
Shivendra-Lord Shiva |
Shivendu-pure moon |
Shivesh-Lord Shiva |
Shivlal-Lord Shiva |
Shiv-Lord Shiva |
Shivraj-Lord Shiva |
Shivshankar-Lord Shiva |
Shlomo-Hebrew form of Solomon. |
Shobhan-splendid |
Shoorsen-brave |
Shraavan, Shravan-Name of a month. |
Shravankumar-a character from the epic Ramayana |
Shravan-name of a Hindu month |
Shreeputra-Son of Goddess Lakshmi. |
Shrenik-organised |
Shreshta-the best |
Shreyas-good |
Shreyash |
Shreyas-Superior God. |
Shri |
Shridhar-Lord Vishnu |
Shrigopal-Lord Krishna |
Shrihari-Lord Krishna |
Shrikanta-beautiful |
Shrikrishna-Lord Krishna |
Shrikumar-beautiful |
Shrinath-Lord Vishnu |
Shrinivas-Lord Vishnu |
Shripad-Lord Vishnu |
Shripal-Lord Vishnu |
Shripati-Lord Vishnu |
Shriram-Lord Rama |
Shriranga-Lord Vishnu |
Shrish-Lord Vishnu |
Shrivatsa-Lord Vishnu |
Shrivatsan-Another name of vishnu. A mole on vishnu's chest. A favourite of sri. |
Shriyans-wealth |
Shubha-auspicious |
Shubhang-handsome |
shubhangi-A handsome Woman. |
Shubhankar-auspivious |
Shubhankar-Good start. Good owen. Subhash-One who speaks well. Subhashit-Maxim. Good word. |
Shubhashis-blessing |
Shubhendu-luckly moon |
Shubhranshu-the moon |
Shuddhashil-well-born |
Shur-Brave. |
Shyam-Lord Krishna |
Shyamsundar-Lord Krishna |
Shylendra-King. |
Shylesh-Lord Shiv in the Himalayas. |
Siddhanta-principle |
Siddha-One who achieved his goals. |
Siddharth |
Siddhartha-a name of Lord Buddha |
Siddheshwar-a goddess |
Siddheswar-Shiva. |
Silas-Short form of Silvan. |
Silvan-Forest dweller. |
Singaravelan |
Singh-Lion. |
Sinha |
Sinjin-St.John. |
Siraj-lamp |
Sitakanta-Lord Rama |
Sitanshu-the moon |
Sitikantha-Lord Shiva |
Siva Prasad-Gift of lord Shiva. |
Sivakumaran |
Sivanta-Lord Shiva |
Sivaraman-Lord Sree Ram. |
Skyes-At the stream. |
Skylar-A form of Schuyler. |
Skyler-Phonetic spelling of Schuyler.Scholar. |
Smarajit-one who has conquered lust |
Smaran-remembrance |
Smritiman-unforgettable |
Smyan |
Snehal-Friend. |
Snehanshn-affectionate |
Snehin-a friend |
Sohail-Handsome. |
Soham-'Iam He'-the presence of divinity of each soul |
Sohan-Other name of Lord Krishna. Kind of sweet. Good looking. |
Sohil-beautiful |
Solomon-Peaceful. A king of Israel famous for his wisdom. |
Somadev-Moon |
Somadhar-One who wears the moon.Lord Shiva. |
Soman |
Somansh-half moon |
Somasekhar-Lord Shiv. |
Somdev |
Somender-God of Moon. |
Somendra-God of Moon. |
Somesh-Moon light. Lord Shiva. Lord Vishnu. |
Someshwar-Lord Shiva |
Somnath-Lord Shiva |
Som-the moon |
Sopan-steps |
Sorah-Sea shell. |
Soumil-a friend |
Soumitri-Sumitra's son. Lakshman. |
Soumyakanti-handsome |
Sourabh |
Sourabh-fragrance |
Sourab-Scent. Fragrance. Pleasant smell. |
Sourav-Scent. Fragrance. Pleasant smell. |
Souren |
Souren-dra--of the sun |
Sourish-Lord Vishnu |
Spandan-Vibration. Heartbeat. |
Spencer-Provisioner. Used for the person in a large household who dispensed food and drink. |
Sragvibhushan |
Sree Ram-Ram.An incarnation of Vishnu. 7th of Dasavatharas- 1. Matysa, 2.Kurma, 3. Varaha, 4.Narasimha, 5. Vamana, 6. Parasurama, 7. Rama, 8. Balarama, 9. Krishna & 10. Kalki. |
Sri Hari-Vishnu. |
Sri Krishna-Lord Krishna. |
Sricharan-Vishnu. |
Sridatta |
Sridhar-Vishnu. |
Srijan-creation |
Srikanta-Lord Shiva. |
Srikant-Vishnu. |
Srikar-Vishnu. |
Srilahari-Wave. |
Srinath-Vishnu. |
Srinivas-Lord Venkateswara. Goddess Lakshmi lives in the heart of Lord, so he got the name of Srinivas. |
Sriram-Lord Sree Ram. |
Srirangan-Divine Vishnu. |
Srivas |
Srujan-Creative. |
Stacy-Resurrection. |
Stephen-Variant of Stephen. Crown. Wreath. |
Steven-Variant form of Stephen. Crown. Wreath. |
Stoddard-A stable keeper. One who works with horses. |
Sual-asked for |
Subal-a friend of Lord Krishna |
Subash-fragrance |
Subbarao-auspicious |
Subhadra-source of Lord Krishna, wife of Arjuna |
Subhag-Luck. Fortune. |
Subhan-aware |
Subhang |
Subhash-well-spoken |
Subinay-humble |
Subish-Happy. |
Subodh |
Subramani |
Subramanian-Good hermit. Good devotee. Well versed in sacred knowledge. |
Subrata-devoted to what is right |
Suchet-One with good soul. |
Suchit-One with good mind. |
Sudama-Lord Krishna's friend |
Sudarsan-Vishnu's disc-weapon. |
Sudarshan-handsome |
Suday |
Sudeep-Bright Light. |
Sudesh-Moon. |
Sudhakar-Moon. |
Sudhamay-full of nectar |
Sudhamsu-Moon. |
Sudhan |
Sudhanshu-the moon |
Sudhindra-lord of knowledge |
Sudhir-Brave man. |
Sudhir-great scholar;calm |
Sudhi-scholar |
Sudhith |
Sudip |
Sugata-a name of the Buddha |
Sugreev-One with beautiful neck. |
Suhag-Prosperity. |
Suhail-moon-glow |
Suhas-smiling beautifully |
Suhit-Man of virtue. |
Suhrid-well-disposed |
Suhrit-well-disposed |
Sujan-Good person. |
Sujash-illustrious |
Sujay-Victory. |
Sujit-winner |
Sukanta-Very handsome. Sweet voiced. |
Sukant-Great speaker. Sweet voiced. |
Sukesh-with beautiful |
Suketu-a Yaksha king |
Sukhamay-pleasurable |
Sukhdev-giver of bliss |
Sukh-Happy. |
Sukhmani-Precious gem-stone of happiness. |
Sukrit-good deed |
Sukumaran |
Sukumar-Delicate person. |
Sulekh-beautifully written |
Sulochan-one with beautiful eyes |
Sultan-king |
Sumakanth-Light of flowers. |
Suman-flower |
Sumangala-Auspicious. Holy |
Sumanta-wise |
Sumantra-friend of King Dasarath |
Sumant-wise |
Sumedh-clever |
Sumeet, Sumit-a good friend |
Sumitra-good friend |
Sumit-Supreme. |
Sumner-Summoner. |
Sumukh-Beautiful face. Ganesh. |
Sunanda-very pleasing |
Sunasi-Lord Indra |
Sunay-Well disciplined. |
Sundaravel |
Sundar-handsome |
Suneel-A gem. Deep blue. Scented cool breeze |
Suneet-of good principles; prudent |
Sunil-A gem. Deep blue. Scented cool breeze. |
Sunirmal-pure |
Suparna-leafy |
Suphal-Good results. |
Supraj-Good citizen. |
Suprakash-manifested |
Supratik-cupid |
Supratim-beautiful image |
Supriya-beloved |
Sur-a musical note |
Surajit-god |
Suraj-the sun |
Suranjan-pleasing |
Surdeep-lamp of music |
Surendra-Indra. |
Suren-Lord Indra |
Suresh-Lord Indra |
Surya Prakash-Sun Light. |
Suryabhan-the sun |
Suryakanta-a jewel |
Suryakiran-Sunrays. |
Suryansh |
Suryashankar-Lord Shiva |
Surya-the sun |
Sushanta-quiet |
Susheel-One with good conduct. |
Sushil-well-behaved |
Sushobhan-very beautiful |
Sushruta-son of sage Viswamitra |
Sushrutha-Well Heard. |
Sushrut-well- heard |
Sutejas |
Sutej-Lord Vishnu. Sun. |
Sutej-lustre |
Suvan-the sun |
Suvimal-pure |
Suyash-Good fame. |
Swami-master |
Swaminath-the Lord Almighty |
Swan |
Swapan-dream |
Swapnil-dreamlike |
Swaraj |
Swarup-truth |
Swatantar |
Swayambhu-Lord Shiva |
Swayam-Myself. |
Swetaketu-an ancient sage |
Syamantak-a jewel of Lord Vishnu |
Syon |
Syum |