Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet K
Written on 11:52 PM by Mrudula
Kaali-Goddess Durga . Blackness. Destroyer of time. Night. A succession of black clouds. Kadambari-A type of prose in literature. A flower. |
Kaandhal |
Kaberi |
Kadambari-Goddess |
Kadambini-an array of clouds |
Kadhiroli |
Kadia-Pitcher. |
Kahini |
Kaihla-version of kayla. |
Kaila-Laurel. Crown. |
Kailee-Form of Kaila. |
Kairavi |
Kaishori-Goddess Parvati |
Kaitlan-Pure. |
Kaitlynn-An alternate form of Caitlyn. Pure. |
Kajal-Black paste applied to beautify eyelids and eyebrows. |
Kajal-kohl |
Kajjali-kohl |
Kajri |
Kakali-chiping of birds |
Kakoli |
Kakul-Fleaks of hair. |
Kala-art |
Kalabjari |
Kalai-Art. |
Kalaimagal |
Kalaiselvi-Art. Wealthy girl. Artist. |
Kalaka |
Kalakarni |
Kalandhika |
Kalanidhi-treasure of art |
Kalanit-Anemone. |
Kalapini |
Kalavati-artistic |
Kali-a bud; Parvati |
Kalib-Of God. |
Kalidas-Servant of Goddess Kali. Name of a famous dramatist who was one of the 9 gems in the court of King Vikramaditya of Ujjaini in ancient India. |
Kalifa-Holy. |
Kalika-a bud |
Kalila-Beloved. |
Kalindi-the river Yamuna |
Kallol-large waves; gurgling of water |
Kalmia-From Kalmia Latifilia, the mountain laurel. |
Kalob-Of God. |
Kalpana-imagination |
Kalpini |
Kalpita-the imagined |
Kalya |
Kalyani-auspicious |
Kamadha |
Kamakshi-name of Goddess Lakshmi or Parvati; one with loving eyes |
Kamakya |
Kamala-Goddess |
Kamalakshi |
Kamalakshi-one whose eyes are beautiful like lotuses |
Kamala-Lotus. Goddess Lakshmi. |
Kamali |
Kamalika-lotus |
Kamalini-lotus |
Kamalkali-the bud of a lotus |
Kamana-desire |
Kamania-Like the moon. |
Kambria-Latin name for wales. |
Kameelah-Perfect. |
Kamika |
Kamini-a handsome woman |
Kamitha |
Kamiya-Wish. |
Kampana |
Kamya |
Kana-an atom |
Kanak, Kanaka-gold |
Kanakabati-a fairy-tale |
Kanakambari-Woman wearing gold ornaments. Name of a flower. |
Kanakavathi |
Kanak-Corn. |
Kanaklata-golden creeper |
Kanakpriya-lover of gold |
Kanan-a garden; forest |
Kananbala-nympth of the forest |
Kanchamala-Gold Necklace. |
Kanchana-gold |
Kanchan-gold |
Kanchi-a waistband |
Kandhara |
Kandicec-Nice & Wealthy. Glowing. |
Kangana |
Kanika-an atom |
Kanimoli |
Kanitha |
Kanjari |
Kanjari |
Kankana-a bracelet |
Kanmani |
Kanta-a beautiful |
Kanteli-Irresistible. |
Kanthi-Light. Radiance. Glow. |
Kanti-lustre |
Kanttadhara |
Kanya |
Kanyaka-A girl. Parvathi. |
Kanyakaparameswari-Name of a goddess. |
Kanyana |
Kapalini |
Kapardini |
Kapila-name of the celestial cow |
Kapotakshi-eyes like a pigeon's |
Karabi-a flower |
Karam-Generosity. |
Kara-Pure. |
Karen-Pure. |
Karida-Untouched. |
Karina-Dear little one. Variant of Katherine. Pure. |
Karin-Variant form of Katherine. Pure. |
Karishma-Miracle |
Kari-Strong, feminine. Pure. |
Karma-Destiny. |
Karnika-Heart of the Lotus. |
Karole-Joyous song. |
Karol-Feminine form of Carl. |
Karuna-compassion; mercy |
Karunamayi-merciful |
Karunya |
Kasen-Pure. |
Kasey-Clever. Alert. Vigorous |
Kasha-Beautiful. |
Kashish-An attraction towards. |
Kashi-Varanasi, the holy city |
Kashmira-from Kashmir |
Kasni |
Kassandra-Unheeded prophetess. |
Kasturi-musk |
Katelyne-Beloved. Pure. |
Kate-Pure. |
Katharina-Pure, Virgin. |
Kathleen-Pure. |
Kathrina-Pure. |
Kathy-Diminutive. Katherine. |
Katiana-Princess. |
Katie-Pure.Katina-Pure, Difficult. |
Katrien-Variant of Catherine. |
Katrina-One of Purity, Beloved. |
Katyayani-Goddess Parvati |
Kaumudi-moonlight |
Kaushalya-mother of Rama |
Kaushika |
Kavana |
Kaveri-a river |
Kavika |
Kavini |
Kavita-a poem |
Kavya-Literary composition. Poem. |
Kayalvili |
Kayeigh-A happy gathering. |
Kaylah-Of God. |
Kayla-Keeper of the keys. Laurel. Crown. Pure. Slim & Fair. |
Kaylay-Variant of Kay--Pure. Keeper of the keys |
Kaylee-Laurel. Crown. |
Kayleigh-Variant of Kay--Pure. Keeper of the keys |
Kay-Pure. Keeper of the keys. Kaycee-Alert. Vigorous |
Kedma-Towards the east. |
Keeley-Brave Warrior. Beautiful. Pretty. |
Keelie-Variant of Kelly. |
Keely-Graceful. |
Keemaya |
Keertana |
Keerthana |
Keerti-Fame. |
Keiko-Beloved. |
Keisha-Short form of Keneisha |
Kelda-A spring. |
Kelila-Crown of laurel. |
Kellee-Lively. Aggressive. |
Kellie-Lively. Aggressive. |
Kelli-Lively. Aggressive. |
Kelly-Lively. Aggressive. Warrior. Brave. |
Kelsey-The ships from the vikings. Dweller by the sea. Brave. |
Kelsie-Ship Island. Seaport. |
Kelsy-Fountain, Spring. |
Kendra-Knowing woman. Wisdom. Centre. |
Keneisha-Ken + Aisha |
Kenga |
Kenisha |
Ken-One's own kind. |
Kenya-Animal Horn. A Country in Africa. |
Keosha-Lovely. One that posses beauty. |
Kerani |
Kerrie-Powerful Female Ruler. Great dark one. |
Kerrilynn-Dusky. Dark. Dark one. |
Kerrin-Animal's Horn. |
Kerry-Dark one. |
Kesar |
Kesari-saffron; a lion |
Keshi-a woman with beautiful hari |
Keshika-a woman with beautiful hair |
Keshini-a woman with beautiful hair |
Kesley-Bitter. Graceful . |
Ketaki-a monsoon flower |
Ketana-home |
Ketki |
Keturah-Incense. |
Ketzia-Fragrant. |
Keya-a monsoon flower |
Keyuri |
Kezia-Variant of Kesia. Short form of Lakeisha. Favorite. |
Khadijah-Premature Born. |
Khseeraja-Milk. |
Khushboo |
Khushi-Happiness. |
Khyath |
Khyati-fame |
Kiara-To make a change. |
Kiera-Beautiful little dark haired one. |
Kierra-Beautiful. |
Kilimoli |
Kimala-Butterfly. |
Kimatra |
Kimaya-divine |
Kimberly-Chief. Ruler. |
Kim-From the meadow of the royal fortress. |
Kinnari-A Lady who sings with beautiful voice. |
Kinneret-Harp. |
Kiranmala-a garland of light |
Kiranmayi-One glowing with radiance. Bright girl. Intelligent girl. |
Kiran-ray of light |
Kirsten-The Anointed one. Feminine of christian. |
Kirstin-Feminine of christian. |
Kirtana-praise |
Kirti-fame |
Kirtmalini |
Kiruba |
Kishmish |
Kishori-young |
Kitiana-Clear eyes |
Kiya |
Kodhai |
Kohavah-Star |
Kohinoor-Mountain of light. |
Kohl |
Kokila-the cuckoo |
Komala-delicate |
Komal-tender |
Korrin-Maiden. |
Kousalya-Sri Rama's mother. King Dasarath's wife. |
Koyel-the cuckoo |
Krandasi-the sky and the earth |
Kranti-revolution |
Kripa-mercy |
Krishi |
Krishna Kumari-Daughter of Krishna. |
Krishnaa-Draupadi |
Krishnakali-a flower |
Krissa-Variant form of Christine. |
Krista-Follower of Christ. |
Kristin-Christian. |
Kristine-Christ bearer. Variant of Christine. |
Krithi |
Krithya |
Kriti-Work of Art. |
Krittika-the Plaids |
Kriya |
Krupa |
Kruti |
Krysia-Little Christine. Derived from Christine. |
Ksema |
Kshama-forgiveness |
Kshamya |
Kshanaprabha |
Kshanika-momentary |
Kshema |
Kshemya |
Kshipa |
Kshipra |
Kshipva |
Kshiraja |
Kshirin |
Kshirja |
Kshiti |
Kshitija |
Kuja |
Kulavardhini |
Kumari-unmarried |
Kumbhika-Another name for Sita. A small pot or pitcher. |
Kumkum-vermilion |
Kumuda |
Kumud-a lotus |
Kumudini-a lotus |
Kunda |
Kundan |
Kundanika |
Kundanika-golden girl; a flower |
Kundini |
Kunjal |
Kunjalata-forest creeper |
Kunjana-forest girl |
Kunshi |
Kuntal |
Kuntala-a woman with luxurious hair |
Kuntal-Hair. |
Kunti-the mother of the Pandavas |
Kurangi-deer |
Kuri-Chestnut. |
Kurinji |
Kushala |
Kushbu-Fragrance. |
Kusum-a flower |
Kusuma-Flower. |
Kusumanjali-flower offering |
Kusumavati-flowering |
Kusumita |
Kusumlata-flowering creeper |
Kuvalai |
Kuvam |
Kuvira-Warrior. |
Kuyil |
Kuyilsai |
Kyla-Feminine of Kyle. |
Kylara-Bay |
Kylee-From the straight. |
Kylie-Boomerang. |