Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet D
Written on 11:46 PM by Mrudula
Dacia-From the Roman |
Dadhija |
Daeya-Fae Magic |
Daffodil-From the flower daffodil. Name of a flower. |
Dafna-Laurel. |
Dagmar-Joy of the Danes. |
Dahlia-From the flower dahlia. Name of a flower. |
Dahoma-From the Afrincan republic of Dahomey. |
Daisy-Eye of the day. |
Daksahyani-Parvati. Daughter of Daksha. |
Dakshahyani-Parvati.Daughter of Daksha. |
Dakshakanya |
Dakshata-skill |
Daksha-the earth; Sati, wife of Shiva |
Dakshayani-Goddess Durga |
Dakshina |
Dakshinya-Modesty. |
Dalaja |
Dale-Valley dweller. |
Dalia-Branch. |
Dalila-Gentle. |
Dallas-For the city in Texas. |
Damalis-Conqueror. |
Damara-Gentle. |
Damati-Conquering. |
Damayanthi-Queen of Nala. |
Damayanti-Nala's wife |
Damini- lightning |
Damita-Young lady. |
Dana-Feminine of Daniel. Mother of Gods in myths. From Denmark. |
Danah-Cheerfulness. Pearl. Shouts of joy. Song. Pride. Presumption. |
Danda-Combination of Danny+Linda. |
Danea,Denae,Denay-Name of the Mother of Perseus by Zeus. |
Danee,Danay,Danaye, |
Danette-Feminine form of Daniel. |
Danica-Morning star |
Daniela-Feminine of Daniel. |
Danielle-Harmony.Love.Feminine form of Daniel. God is my judge. |
Danika-Morning Star. |
Danita-God is my judge. |
Danna-Feminine form of Daniel. |
Daphine-Laurel tree. |
Daphne-The Laurel tree. Virtuous Daphne was transformed into a laurel tree to protect her from Apollo. |
Dara-House of wisdom. |
Darcie-From the fortress. |
Dardanella-From the Dardanelles, the straits seperating Europe and Asia. |
Darda-Pearl of Wisdom. |
Darice-Feminine of Darius. |
Darie-Of unique origin. Originality. |
Darika-Maiden. |
Darlene-Dear one.Little Darling. |
Darpana-a mirror |
Darpanika |
Darshana-sight |
Darshani-One who is worth looking at. Another name of Durga. |
Darshini |
Darshita-Good Morning. |
Darshwana-pure of heart |
Dashahara-River Ganga. |
Dashami-10th day of paksha in Hindu Calendar. |
Davana-A fragnant herb,used to worship. |
Davida-Feminine of David. |
Davina-Beloved. Feminine form of David. |
Dawn-Break of Day. |
Daya-kindness |
Dayamayee-kind |
Dayamayi-Kind hearted.Compassionate person. Dayitha-Beloved. |
Dayanita-tender |
Dayita-beloved |
Deana-Feminine of Dean. |
Deanara-Goddess of beauty. |
Deanna-Divine. Sunshine. |
Debanshi |
Deborah-Queen bee. |
Decembra-From the month december. |
Decima-The tenth-child. |
Deeba-silk |
Deeksha-A pledge.Dedication.Religious initiation. |
Deepabali, Deepavali-row of lamps |
Deepadhari-River Ganga.An angel. |
Deepakala |
Deepa-light |
Deepali-row of lamps |
Deepamala-row of lamps |
Deepamale-River Ganga.An angel. |
Deepana |
Deepanjali-Express dedication by lamps. |
Deepanwita-diwali |
Deepaprabha-fully lighted |
Deeparathi-A ritual done with lamps on |
Deepashikha-flame |
Deepika-a lamp |
Deepitha |
Deepta-shining |
Deepthi-Glow.Shine. |
Deepti-flame; lustre |
Deeptikana-a beam of light |
Deeptimoyee-lustrous |
Deirbre-One who rages. Sorrow. |
Delanah-Noble Protector. |
Delaney-Dark Challenger. |
Delia-A title for Artemis, the moon Goddess, supposedly born on the |
Delicia-Delightful. |
Delilah-Brooding. |
Delmara-From the sea. |
Delphine-From the flower delphinium. |
Demetria-From Demeter, Goddess |
Demi-Half. |
Dena-Vindicated. |
Denise-Follower of Dionysus, the god of wine. Feminine of Dennis. Greek God. |
Denye-Follower of Dionysus, the god of wine. Feminine of Dennis. |
Deonna-Variant of Diana. Divine. |
Derora-Freedom. |
Deshna |
Desiha |
Desiree-Desired. Longed for. |
Desma-Vow. Pledge. |
Destiny-Fate. |
Deva ansh |
Devahuti-daughter of Manu |
Devakanya |
Devak-divine |
Devaki-Krishna's mother. |
Devala-A goddess. |
Devalatha |
Devalekha |
Devamani-Kousthub the gem worn by Vishnu. |
Devamati |
Devamayi |
Devangana-celestial maiden |
Devasmitha |
Devasree-divine beauty |
Devatha-Goddess. |
Devavarnini-Daughter of Bharadwaj. Devavathi-A Gandharva's daughter. Devayani-Name of Yayati's wife. |
Devi-goddess |
Devika-mother of Krishna |
Devina |
Devona-From Devon. |
Devya |
Devyani-daughter of Shukraacharya |
Deya-In the shadow she moves |
Dhairya-Patient and calm. |
Dhanalakshmi |
Dhanapriya |
Dhanashri-a raga |
Dhanishta-a star |
Dhanvi |
Dhanya-great |
Dhanyatha-Success.Fulfillment. Dhara-Dhaara-Earth.Constant flow. Dharathi-Earth. |
Dharani-the earth |
Dhara-the earth |
Dharitri-the earth |
Dhathri-Earth. |
Dhatri-Goddess Parvati |
Dhaula-White. |
Dhavala-Immaculate.White. |
Dheeptha-Lakshmi. |
Dheerata-Courage.Heroism. |
Dhenu-Cow. |
Dhenumathi-Another name of river Gomathi. |
Dhitha |
Dhithi |
Dhoolika-Dew drop. |
Dhoothapapa-A River. |
Dhriti-Endurance.Courage.Morale. Dhruti-Earth |
Dhriti-patience |
Dhruvatara-Pole Star. Star with everlasting radiance |
Dhuthi |
Dhvani, Dhwani-sound;voice |
Dhyana-Contemplation.Meditation. Dhyeya -Ideal.Aim. Purpose. Intention. |
Diamanta-Like a diamond. |
Diana-Divine. The Goddess of the hunting and the nature. |
Diane-The Roman Goddess of the moon and the hunt. |
Diantha-From the flower dianthus. |
Dido-The legendary queen of Carthage. |
Digdevatha-Diety presiding over the night. |
Diksha-initiation |
Dilan-Love. |
Dilber-lover |
Diljot-Light of the heart. |
Dilshad-happy |
Dilys-Feminine of Dylan. |
Dinah-The judged. |
Dione-The mother of Aphrodite. |
Dipali-A row of lights. |
Dipti-Lightning. |
Direction |
Disha-direction |
Dishita |
Diti-wife of the sage Kashyap |
Divena |
Divija |
Divya-divine lustre |
Divyana |
Divyanshi |
Dixie-Girl of the south. |
Diya-Deepa.Lamp. |
Diza-Joy. |
Dochilla-Gentle. Teachable. |
doddie-Beloved. Beloved friend. |
Dodi-Beloved. Beloved friend. |
dodie-Beloved. Beloved friend. |
Doe-Deer. |
Dolly-Gift of God. |
Dolores-From Virgin Mary. Sorrows. |
Doloris-Sorrowful. A name for the virgin Mary. |
Dominica-The lord's. |
Donalda-Feminine of Donald. |
Donata-Gift. |
Donella-Lady. |
Donna-Lady. Mistress of the house, housewife. |
Dora-Gift. |
Dorcas-Golden. |
Dorinda-Beautiful gift. |
Doris-Name of a place. Of the sea. |
Dorothy-Gift of God. |
Dorya-God's generation. |
Dory-Golden-haired. |
Dova-Feminine of Dov. |
Doved by wealth |
Dove-Dove. |
Doyel-a songbrid |
Draupadi-wife of the Pandavas |
Drishya |
Dristi-eyesight |
Drupanandini-Draupadi. |
Drusilla-Soft-eyed. |
Druthi |
Duana-Little dark girl. |
Dulari-A Daughter. |
Dulcie-Sweet. |
Durga-succour; the Goddess |
Durva, Durba-sacred grass |
Dwan-Richly Dark. |
Dwipavati-river |
Dyumani-Shining gem.The Sun. |
Dyumna |
Dyuthi-Glow.Shine. |
Dyuti |
Dzifa-My heart is at peace. Peaceful heart. |