Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet A
Written on 11:42 PM by Mrudula
Aabha |
Aabharana |
Aadarsh- Ideal. |
Aadarsha -Ideal. |
Aadarshini |
Aadhaya |
Aadita |
Aadrika |
Aafreen-encouragement |
Aagam-Coming.Arrival. |
Aahaladita |
Aahana |
Aaheli |
Aahlaadita- One who is in a happy mood. Aahwaana-Invitation. |
Aahna |
Aaina |
Aakaanksha- Desire. |
Aakaksha |
Aakarshaka- Attractive. |
Aakarshana- Attraction. |
Aakriti |
Aalia |
Aalia |
Aaliya |
Aaloka-Lustrous. |
Aamaal |
Aamani |
Aamrapali |
Aamra-pali- Mango tree leaf. |
AamuktaMalya- Name of the poem written by an Inidan King Sri Krishna Deva Raya. |
Aanadi |
Aanandamayi- Very happy |
Aanandi, Aanandita- Always happy woman. |
Aanchal |
Aapti-Fulfilment. |
Aapt-Trustworthy.Friend. |
Aaradhana -Worship. |
Aaradhya |
Aarati-Akind of worship. |
Aaratrika |
Aarini |
Aarna |
Aarohi |
Aarti-Blessing. Blessed. |
Aarushi-Daughterof Manu. |
Aarzoo-Wish. |
Aasha Latha-Creeper of hope. |
Aasha-Hope. |
Aashalatha |
Aashi |
Aashika |
Aashini |
Aashinya |
Aashirya |
Aashita-One who is hopeful. |
Aashiyana |
Aashna |
Aashrita-One Who Has Taken Refuge In The Lord. |
Aastha |
Aastha-Combination of Faith and Devotion. |
Aathmika |
Aatmaja |
Aayushi |
Ababa-Flower. |
Abayomi-she who brings joy. |
Abdhija-Born in Sea.GoddessLakshmi. |
Abha-lustrous beauty |
Abharan-AJewel.Ornament. |
Abharika- One who has a halo around her head. A Goddess. |
Abhati |
Abhaya-Fearlessness.Courage. |
Abhayankari- One who gives courage.Dispels fear. |
Abhidha |
Abhidhya |
Abhigeetha- Praised. |
Abhigya-Expert.Wellinformed.Adept. Abhijaata-Abhijata-Well born woman. |
Abhijaya -Victorious. |
Abhijishya- Independent girl. |
Abhijita-Abhijitha- Victorious woman. |
Abhijna |
Abhikhya -Beauty.Fame.Shine. |
Abhilasa |
Abhilasha -Desire. Wish. Hope. |
Abhilashita- Desired.Yearned for. Abhimaaninee-Abhimanini-Abhimaanini-Who possessesself-respect. |
Abhinandana- Congragulations.Happiness. |
Abhinetri -Actress. Dancer. |
Abhinithi |
Abhinivesha- Long cherished desire.Faith.Determination. |
Abhiprithi |
Abhirami-Beautiful. |
Abhirathi |
Abhiroopa -Beautiful woman.Attractive. |
Abhisarika- Beloved. |
Abhishikta-Laughing girl. |
Abhisri |
Abhithi |
Abhivandya- One who is respected,saluted. |
Abigail-Abigal- My father Rejoices. Delightful. Name of king David's third wife. |
Abimola-Bornto the rich. |
Abiona-Bornwhile journeying. |
Abirami-Lakshmi. |
Abira-Strong. |
Abja |
Abjini-Lotuspond.Collection of lotuses. |
Aboil-the name of a flower |
Acacia-Thorny. |
Acantha-From the plant Acanthus. |
Acchoda-Limpid water.Pure water.Name of a Pond inheaven. |
Acelin-Dream. |
Achala-constant |
Achieving |
Achintya -Beyond thought. |
Achiraprabha- Lightening. |
Achira-Veryshort. |
Acie-Thorny |
Acira |
Adarsha |
Adarsh-ideal |
Adhira-lightning |
Adhishree |
Adi-Shakti |
Adishree-exalted |
Aditha |
Adithi |
Aditi-the earth |
Aditri |
Adrija |
Adrika-celestial |
Adrisa |
Adveterous |
Advika |
Advika |
Adwita |
Adwiteya |
Adwitiya |
Adya |
Aesha |
Agrata-leadership |
Agrima-leadership |
Ahalya- Wife of sage Gautam. Name of a sage. Ahanti-Name of west African tribe. |
Ahalya-wife of Rishi Gautam, a woman who was saved by Lord Rama |
Ahava-Beloved. |
Ahilyaa-Afamous historical name. |
Ahimakar -One who gives warmth .The sun. |
Ahiraj-Whowears serpents.Shiva. |
Ahish-Kingof sepents.Nagaraj. |
Ahladini-Aahladini- Joyous person.Lady in happy mood.Happy lady. |
Ahladitha-Ahladita- Joyous person.Lady in happy mood.Happy lady. |
Ahlad-Joy. |
Ahobal-Mighty.Hanuman. |
Ahwaintha -who has invented. Wanted. |
Aiesha- Woman. |
Aimee-Beloved Friend. |
Aina-Eternal. |
Aisha-Life. Woman. The favourite wife of Mohammed. |
Aishani-Goddess Durga |
Aisheeya-Ocean. |
Aishwarya -Wealthy. Prosperity. |
Aislinn-Vision. Daydream. |
Aissa-Grateful |
Aiyana-Everlasting bloom. Forever flowering. |
Aizlyn-Dream. |
Ajanta-a famous Buddist cave |
Ajeeta |
Akalka |
Akanksha |
Akhila-total |
Akshaya-indestructible |
Akshita-seen |
Aksithi |
Alaina-Attractive. Peaceful. |
Alaka, Alka-a girl with a lovely hair |
Alaka-Lock of curly hair.Without dirt. |
Alakananda-Name of a river. |
Alaknanda-a river in the Himalayas |
Alambusa-An Apsara. |
Alameda-Populartree. |
Alamelu-Goddess Lakshmi.Lord |
Alana-Light & buoyant.An offering.Dear child. |
Alanda-Variant of Alexandra. Defender |
Alankara-Decoration. |
Alanna-Attractive. Peaceful. |
Alarice-Feminine of Alaric. |
Alba-Highlands. |
Alberta-Feminine of Albert. |
Albina-Highlands. |
Alby-Highlands. |
Alcina-Strong-Willed.Persuasive. |
Alda-Rich. |
Aldora-Winged gift. |
Alekhya-Painting. Picture. |
Alena-LIght |
Aletea-Truth. |
Alexandra-Defender of mankind. helper. |
Alexis-Helper.Defender. |
Alfreda-Feminine of Alfred. |
Alice-Noble.Truthfulone. |
Alicia-Truthful. |
Alida-Greek city in Asia minor. |
Alin-Sister of Night. |
Aliptha-Neutral.Unbiased. |
Aliptha-Neutral.Unbiased. |
Alisha-protected by God |
Alison-Truthful one. |
Alissa-Truthful. |
Aliya-To group. |
Aliza-Joyous. |
Alka-Girl with long beautiful hair. Noble&Brilliant |
Allegra-Cheerful. |
Alleron-Eagles soaring. |
Allina-A form of Helen. |
Allison-Truthfulone. Noble. sacred fame.Diminutive form of Alice. |
Almas-a diamond |
Alma-The Soul. With dard red lips. Soul. Spirit. |
Almira-Exalted. Princess. |
Alocia-Ocean of forgiveness. |
Aloka-Cry of victory.Praise.Luster. Alona-Feminine of Alon. |
Aloysia-Feminine of Aloysius. |
Alpana-a decorative design |
Alpha-The first letter of the Greek alphabet. The first-child. |
Altthea-Truthful. Sincere. Wholesome.Healing. |
Alva-Fair. Blonde. |
Alvina-Feminine of Alvin. |
Alwany-Lighting in A miquisto dialect in Nicaragua |
Alysha-Princess of pink. |
Alysia-Truthful. |
Alyssa-From the flower Alyssum. |
Alysse-Truthful. |
Amabel-lovable. |
Amadea-Feminine of Amadeo. |
Amadi-Rejoice. Sun god. |
Amala, Amla-the pure one |
Amala-Pure.Hope. |
Amalendu-Full moon |
Amanda-Beloved. Precious thing. worth loving. Lovable. |
Amani-To wish for. Greatful. |
Amara-Imperishable. Eternal beauty. |
Amarangane-amarangani-A nymph. Angel. Apsara. |
Amaraprabha-Eternal shine. |
Amaravathi-Name of Indra's kingdom. |
Amari-A Nymph.Angel.Apsara. |
Amaris-God hath promised. |
Amarnath-From the flower Amaranth. |
Amarta |
Amaryllis-From the flower Amaryllisbelladonna. |
Amaya-The end. |
Ambalika-Mother of Panduraj. |
Amba-Mother. Parvathi. Princess of Kasi who refused to marry Vichitravirya and vowed to kill Bhishma. |
Amber-Precious stone. of the colours. From the jewel Amber. |
Ambika-Goddess Parvati |
Ambika-Parvathi. Kasi princess who married Vichitravirya. Mother of Dhritarashtra. Godess Durga. |
Ambrosine-Feminine of Ambrose. |
Ambruni-An Apsara's name. |
Ambu-Arrow. Water. |
Ambudha-Cloud. |
Ambudhi-Sea. |
Ambuja-born of a Lotus; Goddess Lakshmi |
Ambujakshi-One with Lotus like eyes.Lakshmi. |
Amee-My friend. |
Amelia-Industrious.Striving.Princess. |
Amena-Honest. |
Amie-Beloved. Loved. |
Aminta-Protector. |
Amira-Beautiful Princess. |
Amirtha-Elixir of life. Another name of godess saraswathi |
Amita-without limit |
Amithi |
Amity-Friendship. |
Amiya |
Ammanni-Goddess. |
Amoda-Happiness. |
Amodini-joyful |
Amorata-Beloved. |
Amrakali-Mango bud. |
Amramanjari-Bunch of mango flowers. |
Amrapali-famous courtesan who became a evotee of Buddha |
Amrapallavi-Tender leaves of mango. |
Amrita Varshini-Showers Amrit. |
Amrita-immortality |
Amritha-Deathless. |
Amritkala-nectarine art |
Amrusha-sudden |
Amruthakiran-Cool rays.Moon light. |
Amruthamayi-Full of sweetness. |
Amrutha-Nectar. |
Amruthavarshini-One of the raagas.-Classical melody. |
Amshu-A ray of light. |
Amshula-Sunny. |
Amshumala-A nymph.Angel.Apsara. |
Amshumathi-Person with bright intellect.River Yamuna. |
Amtheshwari-Eternal God. |
Amulya-Priceless. |
Amy-Loved.Beloved. |
Anaamika-Name of 4th finger. |
Anabelle-Graceful and Beautiful. |
Anagha-sinless |
Ana-Grace. Favor. |
Anahita-graceful |
Anala-fiery |
Anamika-ring-finger |
Anandalakshmi |
Anandamayi-full of joy |
Anandhabhairavi-One of the raga's. |
Anandhalahari-Wave of happiness. |
Anandhavardhini-One who increases happiness. |
Anandhi-Anandi-Happiness. |
Anandhitha-Lady in joyous mood. |
Anandi-jovial |
Anandini-joyful |
Anangalekha-Love letter. |
Ananga-Love. |
Anangamalini-God of love. |
Anangee-Sexy. |
Ananta-Eternal woman. Infinite. |
Anantasree-Ananthasri-Who has boundless wealth.Ananthalakshmi. |
Anantha, Anantya |
Ananya-without a second |
Anapayina-Eternal.Lakshmi. |
Anarghya-Priceless. |
Anastasia-Ressurection. The renewal of spring. A new beginning. |
Anasuya-Aanasooya-One without jealousy. Wife of sage Goutham. |
Anathi |
Anatola-Feminine of Anatole. |
Anavi |
Ancelin-Hand-maiden. |
Anchal-the decorative end of a sari |
Anchiara-Darkness Falls. |
Anchita-Honoured.Worshipped. |
Ancient city of Ujjain |
Andal-Aandal-Devotee of Vishnu. |
Andie-Strong. |
Andrea-Lady Andrew. Feminine. |
Andreana-Strong and Womanly. |
Anemone-Windflower. |
Angaja-Daughter. |
Angana-an suspicious or handsome woman |
Angani-Attractive girl. |
Angarika-a flame-coloured flower-Palash or Flame of the Forest |
Angela-Angelic.Messenger. Heavenly messenger. |
Angelica-From the herb Angelica. Like an angel. |
Angelina-Angel. Messenger. |
Angel-Messenger. |
Angira-Mother of Brihaspati |
Anhithi |
Anika-Goddess Durga |
Anima-The power of becoming small. |
Anina-Answer my prayer. |
Anindita-beautiful |
Anindita-One who cannot be defamed.Blameless. |
Aninditha |
Anintika |
Anisa-Friendly. Tree of life |
Anisha-uninterrupted |
Anita-Grace.Mercy. |
Anitra-For the Arab girl in grieg's peer gynt suite. |
Anjalika |
Anjali-offering with both hands |
Anjana-mother of Hanuman |
Anjum-A token. A signet.A Star |
Anju-one who lives in the heart |
Anjushri, Anjushree-dear to one's heart |
Ankita-conqueress; empress; one with auspicious marks |
Ankitha-A Signet.Symbol. |
Ankur-A Sprout. |
Annabelle-Beautiful.Graceful. Loveable. |
Annada-Godess of food. Parvathi. |
Anna-Graceful.Variant of Hannah. Annabel-Lovable. |
Annapoorna-Godess Parvathi.Godess of food. |
Annapurna-Goddess Parvati; generous with food |
Anne-Favouring.Grace.Mercy. |
Annel-Combination of Anna & Elena. |
Anneliese-Graceful and Consecrated to God. |
Annette-Grace.Mercy. |
Ann-Gracious. A form of Hannah |
Annie-Favor. Grace. |
Annika-Grace. |
Annise-Pineapple. |
Annunciata-Bearer of news. |
Anokhi |
Anona-The Roman Goddessof crops. |
Anoona-Perfect. |
Anora-Grace and honor. |
Anouksha-Endearment, Fullfilment of desire. |
Anoushka, Anushka-lightning |
Anselma-Feminine of Anselm. |
Anshula-sunny |
Anshumaala-Garland of Rays. |
Antara-the second note in Hindustani classical music |
Anthahkarana-Sympathy Kindness.Tenderness. |
Anthea-Flowerlike |
Antima-Ultimate. |
Antini |
Antoinette-Inestimable. Without price. Feminine form of Anthony. |
Antonia-Feminine of Anthony. |
Anubhuti-Experience. |
Anuga |
Anugathadevi-A friend.A person who accompanies,a wife. |
Anugraha-Blessings.Grace. |
Anuhya-something unexpected - in a pleasant way - and valuable |
Anukampa-Sympathy.Compassion. |
Anukeerthana-Praising God's virtues. |
Anuksha-Every moment. |
Anula |
Anulekha-Beautiful picture. |
Anuli-Feminine of Anthony. |
Anuloma-Sequence. |
Anumati-consent |
Anumegha-Following the rain. |
Anumita-Logically established.Analytical.Precise. |
Anumloche-An apsara's name |
Anunaya-Gentle comfort. |
Anunitha |
Anupa-Goddess Kali. |
Anupallavi-Part of the song which is sung immediately after the pallavi-headlines of a song. |
Anupama, Anupriya-One without comparison. |
Anupama-without equal |
Anuprabha-Brightness. |
Anura-Attachment. Love.Compassion. |
Anuradha-name of a star |
Anuragha-Love. |
Anuraghini-Beloved. |
Anuragini |
Anurakthi-Love.Affection. |
Anurama-Pretty.Lakshmi. |
Anuranjana-One who pleases the mind. |
Anurati-Consent. |
Anurupa-Suitable. |
Anusha-Name of a star Beautiful morning |
Anusheela-Good character. |
Anusheetha-To be calm. |
Anushma-Without any heat. |
Anushri-Beautiful. Pretty |
Anusree-Pretty. Lakshmi. |
Anusri |
Anusuya-Wife of rishi. |
Anutara-Unanswered. |
Anuva-knowldege |
Anuvindha-One who receives. |
Anuvrindha-Krishna's Queen. Mitravinda's |
Anvita-Who bridges the gap. |
Anwesha-quest |
Anya-Gracious. |
Anyi-Her destiny. |
Aoife-Beauty. |
Apaara-Materialistic knowledge. |
Apala-name of a learned woman of the past |
Aparaajita-Unconquerable woman. |
Aparamitha-Limitless. |
Aparanji-Pure gold. |
Aparijita-undefeated; name of a flower |
Aparna-Goddess Parvati |
Aparoopa-Extremely beautiful woman.Special.Uncommon. |
Apeksha-Expectation.Wish.Desire. |
Apekshita-Desired.Welcome. Aphrodite-Goddess of love. Foam. Apolline-Feminine of Apollo. |
Apoorva-Special. |
April-Opening. Forthcoming. For the month April. |
Apsara-celestial maiden |
Apuroopa -Extremely beautiful woman. |
Apurva, Apoorva-unique |
Apurva-Special. |
Aquaria-From aquarius, the constellation and Zodiacal sign. |
Ara-Altar. |
Arabella-Beautiful altar. |
Aradhana-Worship. |
Aradhite-One who is worshipped. |
Aradhite-One who is worshipped. |
Aragili-Parrot. |
Aranam |
Aranyani-Goddess of vegetation. |
Arati, Aaarti-worship, divine fire in ritual |
Aravalli-Name of a hill. |
Aravinda-Blue lotus. |
Archana-worship |
Archan-worship |
Archa-worship |
Archisha-A ray of light. |
Archita-Worshipped woman. |
Ardath-Flowering field. |
Ardella-Fervent. |
Arden-Eaglevalley. |
Ardis-Fervent. |
Areta-Virtuous. |
Aretha-Best |
Areth-Earth |
Argenta-Silvery. |
Ariadne-Chaste. Holy. Holyone. |
Ariadyna-Came from the love. |
Aria-Melody of an Opera. |
Ariana-Holy Song/Singer/Voice. Chaste. Holy. Like silver. |
Arianne-Holyone. |
Ariba-Intelligent. Skillful. Heights. |
Ariella-Feminine of Ariel. |
Ariel-Spirit of air or water.Lion of God. |
Ariktha |
Arisina-Turmeric.Auspicious Yellow powder. |
Arkaja-Sun's daughter,river Yamuna. |
Arkavathi-A tributary of river Kaveri. |
Arlene-Pledge. |
Arlene-Pledge. |
Armilla-Bracelet. |
Armina-Warriormaid. |
Arna-Cedar. |
Arnolda-Feminine of Arnold. |
Arpana-surrendered |
Arpitaa-Which is offered. |
Arpita-dedicated |
Arshia-heavenly |
Artemis-Goddess of the hunt and the moon. |
Arthada-Lakshmi. |
Arti-Aarti-Arati-Aarati-A ritual done on auspicious occasions. |
Aruna-Dawn. |
Arundati-Wife of sage Vasistha.A morning star Rudrakshi garland. |
Arundhathi |
Arundhati-a star |
Aruni-dawn |
Arunika-Tawny Red. |
Arunima-glow of dawn |
Arunima-Reddishness.Glow of dawn. |
Arushi-First ray of the sun. |
Arva-fertile. |
Arwa-Wonderful. Magnificent. Marvellous. |
Aryama-Respected lady. |
Aryamba-Mother of Sri Sankaracharya. |
Arya-Respected lady. Baby Durga. |
Asavari-name of a raga or melody |
Ascharya-Surprise |
Aseema, Ashima-limitless |
Asgari-devotee |
Ashadeep-Light of hope. |
Asha-hope, aspiration |
Ashajyothi-Light of hope. |
Ashakiran-Ray of hope. |
Ashalatha-Creeper of hope |
Ashani-Thunderbolt .Lighting. Supreme Goddess. |
Ashankitha-Without fear or doubt. Ashapoornadevi-Who has fulfilled the desire. |
Ashavari-Name of a raga. Ashcharya-Aashcharya-Wonder. Ashika-Aashika-Beloved.Desired. Hope. |
Ashima-Endless. Limitless. Without boundaries. |
Ashira-wealthy. |
Ashis-benediction |
Ashlee-Ashtree meadow. |
Ashlesha-Name of a star |
Ashley-Hope and helpful. Ash wood. From the ash-tree farm. Meadow of ash trees. |
Ashna-Daughter of Bali. |
Ashna-friend |
Ashoka |
Ashritha |
Ashwabha-Lightening. |
Ashwini-a star |
Asia-For the continent Asia. |
Asima-Endless. Limitless. Without boundaries. |
Asita-River. |
Aslesha-a star |
Aslin-Dream. |
Asmita-One with ego. |
Aspasia-welcome. |
Astra-star |
Astrid-Divine strength. Divinepower. |
Asvika |
Aswini-Name of a star Female horse. |
Atalaya-Watchtower. |
Atara-Crown. |
Atasi-a blue flower |
Atefa-Compassionate. Kind. |
Athalia-God is mighty. |
Athena-The Goddess of wisdom. |
Atianna-Little Princess. |
Atifa-Compassionate. Kind. |
Atira-Prayer. |
Atishaya-Superiority.Preeminance. |
Atithi-Guest. |
Atlanta-A huntress in greek mythology. |
Atmaja-daughter |
Atreyi-name of a river |
Attar-Scent fragnance. |
Atulya-Unequalled |
Aubree-Golden-haired queen of the spirit world. |
Audrey-Noble Strength. Strong. Strength to over come. |
Augusta-Majestic. Grand.Feminine form of August. |
Aura-Breeze.Goddess of Breeze. |
Aurelia-Goddess of Dawn; Golden. |
Aurora-Dawn. |
Autumn-Ice Princess. For the season. |
Avaapya |
Ava-Bird. Birdlike. |
Avani, Abani-earth |
Avanji-Daughter of Earth.Seetha |
Avanthi-Name of a historical city. |
Avanti-ancient Malwa; Ujjain |
Avantika-city of Ujjain |
Avasa |
Avathara |
Avatoda-Name of a river in Heaven. |
Avery-Rules with elf wisdom. |
Aviella-God is my father. |
Avinashi |
Avinashika |
Avinashini-Eternal.Imperishable. |
Avishi |
Avital-Dew of my father. |
Aviva-Spring. |
Avni |
Avnita |
Avoda-Work. |
Ayah-Bright. |
Ayala-Gazelle. |
Ayanna-Innocent. Anything. |
Ayati |
Ayeh |
Ayesha-wife of the Prophet |
Aylivia-Unique; Blessed or Anointed. |
Ayofemi -Joy loves me. The Joy of God is with me. |
Ayurda |
Ayushi-Long life. |
Ayushmati-one who has a long life |
Azalea-From the flower Azalea. |
Azelia-Helped by God |
Aziza-Beloved.Precious. Beautiful. |
Azura-Sky-blue. |
Azusena-Lily.. |