Baby Boy Names With Meanings - Alphabet H
Written on 8:18 AM by Mrudula
Haadiya |
Haady |
Haamid |
Haani |
Haarith |
Haaroon |
Haashim |
Haatim |
Habib-Beloved. |
Hadar-Adornment. |
Hadden-Child of heather |
Hadi-Guiding to the right. |
Hadley-From the heath meadow. |
Hadrian-A saints name. Dark one. Of |
Hadrien-Dark. Variant of Adrian.Name of a Roman emperor who was a gifted writer and architect who caused Hadrian's Wall build in Britain. |
Hadwin-Friend in war. |
Hafeez-The Protector. |
Hafiz-One who has memorised the Koran.Protected. |
Hagen-Little one. Young. |
Haines-From the hedged enclosure. |
Hakeem-Wise. |
Hakesh |
Hakim-Wise. |
Hakon-High-born. Of the noble race. |
Hal-Army ruler. |
Halayudh-Balaram. |
Halden-From Denmark. |
Hale-Dweller in the hall. |
Haleem-Mild. |
Halen-Hall. |
Haley-Ingenious. |
Half Danish. |
Halford-From the river-crossing manor. |
Halil-Close friend. |
Halim-Gentle. |
Hallam-From the hill side. |
Halley-From the manor meadow. Halsey-From Hal's island. |
Hal-Nickname of Henry |
Halstead-From the manor. |
Hamal-Lamb. |
Hameed-A friend. |
Hameem-Friend. |
Hamid-Friend.Thankful to God.Mohammed. |
Hamilton-From the mountains estate. Name of a place.Surname of one of the great noble families in Scotland. |
Hamir-a raga |
Hamish-Variant of Jacob. |
Hamlin-Little home-lover. |
Hammad |
Hampton-Name of a place. Surname. |
Hamsanand-Atmanand. Supreme.Joy. |
Hamsavahan-Brahma. |
Hanan |
Hanford-From the high ford. |
Hanif-Believer. |
Hank-Nickname of Henry. |
Hansaraj |
Hans-God has been gracious. Gracious gift of God - John. |
Hanson-Son of hans. |
Hans-swan |
Hanuman-Lord Anjaneya. Greatest |
Hanumanth-Lord Hanuman. |
Hanumant-the monkey god of Ramayana |
Hanumesh-Rama's great devotee and servant. |
Har |
Hara |
Harachoodamani-The moon |
Haradut-Given by hara. |
Haraksa |
Haran-Eashwar.Life. |
Haraprasad-Gift of Shiva. |
Harcourt-Fortified dwelling. |
Harden-From the hare valley. |
Hardik-From the heart. King & Soul of love. |
Hardy-Bold. Daring. |
Harekrishna-Lord Krishha |
Harel-God's mountain. |
Harendra-Lord Shiva |
Haresh |
Haresh-Lord Krishna |
Hari Kumar-Son of Vishnu. |
Hari Prasad-Gift of Lord Vishnu. |
Haridas-servant of Krishna |
Hari-God. Vishnu.Lion. |
Harigopal-Lord Krishna |
Harihareshwar-Half Shiva and Half Vishnu. Harikripa-Gift of Vishnu. |
Harihar-Half Shiva and Half Vishnu. |
Harihar-Lord Vishnu |
Harikanth |
Harikumar-Son of Vishnu. |
Harilal |
Harinadhar-The Moon |
Harinaksh |
Harinarayan |
Harinarayan-Lord Vishnu |
Harinath-Vishnu. |
Harin-Deer. |
Hariom |
Hariom-Lord Vishnu |
Hariprasad-blessed by Lord Krishna |
Hariraj |
Hariram-Lord Rama |
Harish |
Harishankar-Lord Shiva |
Harishchandra-King of Surya dynasty, charitable |
Harish-Vishnu. |
Haritbaran-green |
Harith |
Harith-Green colour.Surya's horse.One of the six Acharyas. Plowman. |
Harivansh |
Harivathsa-Hari's son,Brahma. |
Harjeet |
Harjeet-victorious |
Harkrishna-Lord Krishna |
Harlan-From the battle land. |
Harley-Deer Hunter.Meadow of the hares. Archer. |
Harlow-From the fortified hill. |
Harman-Soldier. |
Harmeet-God's beloved. |
Harmendra-The Moon |
Harmon-Warrior. |
Harold-Army Commander.Leader of Armies.One who proclaims. |
Haroon-hope |
Haroun-Arabic form of Aaron. |
Harper-Harp player. Minstrel. |
Harris-Son of Harry. |
Harry-Henry. |
Harsh; Haarsha |
Harshad-giver of joy |
Harsha-Joy. Happiness. Congratulating. |
Harshaman |
Harshavardhana-One who increases happiness. |
Harshavardhan-creator of joy |
Harshendra-Happy as a king. |
Harsh-happiness |
Harshil-joyful |
Harshita-joyous |
Harshit-joyous |
Harshul |
Hart-Brave.Strong. Stag. |
Hartley-Of the deer meadow. |
Hartwell-From the deer's spring. |
Harvey-Warrior. |
Haryshwa-Indra.Shiva. |
Hasanmukh-Smiling face.Happy expression. |
Haseen-Hansome. |
Hashmat-glory, joyful |
Hasit-happy |
Hasith-Smile. Cheerful |
Haskel-Probably a Yiddish form of Ezekiel. |
Hasmukh |
Hassan-A saint.Handsome. |
Hastin |
Hatshit-Happy. |
Havelock-Sea battle. |
Havish |
Hawley-From the hedged meadow. |
Hayagreev-An incarnation of Vishnu. |
Hayavadan-Neck of a horse.An incarnation of Vishnu with face of a horse. |
Hayden-From the hedged valley. |
Hayes-From the hedged place. |
Hayward-Keeper of the hedged enclosure. Haywood-From the hedged forest. |
Heath-Of the heath. |
Hector-Steadfast. |
Heer-diamond |
Hem |
Hema Chandra-Golden Moon |
Hemachandra |
Hemadri-the Himalaya |
Hemakesh-Shiva. |
Hemamdar-golden creeper |
Heman |
Hemanga-goldenbodied |
Hemanta-early winter |
Hemant-One of the seasons. |
Hemendra-Wealthy person. |
Hemendu-golden moon |
Hem-gold |
Henry-Ruler of an Estate. |
Henry-Rules his household. |
Heramba-Ganapathi. |
Herbert-Illustrious warrior. |
Hercules-In hera's service. |
Herman-Warrior. |
Hernando-Advernturesome. Strong. |
Hershel-Deer. |
Hewitt-Little hugh. |
Heywood-From the hedged forest. Hilary-Cheerful. |
Hillel-Greatly praised. |
Hilliard-Brave warrior. |
Hilton-From the hill estate. |
Himabhas-The Moon |
Himachalendra-The Himalaya mountain. |
Himachal-the Himalayas |
Himadri-Himalaya |
Himadyuti-The Moon |
Himaghna-The Sun. |
Himagiri-The Himalaya mountain. Himakur-The Moon |
Himalaya |
Himanshu-The Moon |
Himavant-The Himalaya mountain. Himir-Darkness. |
Himmat-courage |
Himnish-Lord Shiva |
Hiral-Smooth like a thread of silk. |
Hiram-Most noble. |
Hiranmay-golden |
Hiranya |
Hiranyadhanu-Father of Ekalavya. Hiroshi-Generous. |
Hiranya-gold |
Hirendra-Lord of diamonds |
Hitakarin-Person doing good.Well wisher. |
Hitakar-Person doing good.Well wisher. |
Hitakrit-Person doing good. |
Hitendra-well-wisher |
Hitesh-Good person. |
Hityashan-Person doing good.Well wisher. |
Hobart-Bright-minded. |
Hod-Vigor. |
Hogan-Youth. |
Holbrook-From the brook in the hollow. |
Holcomb-From the deep valley. Holden-Kindly. |
Hollis-From the holly grove. |
Holmes-From the river islands. |
Holt-Of the forest. |
Homer-Pledge. |
Honnesh-Rich person. |
Horace-Keeper of the hours. |
Horatio-Keeper of the hours. |
Horton-From the gray estate. |
Hosea-Salvation. |
Houghton-From the cliff estate. |
Houston-From the hill town. |
Howard-Guardian of the home. Noble watchman. |
Howell-Alert. |
Howland-From the highlands. |
Hridayanand |
Hridayavanth-Understanding person. |
Hridayesh-Lord of heart and mind. |
Hriday-Heart.Mind. |
Hridaynath-lord of the heart, beloved |
Hridayvihari-Who lives in the heart. |
Hridik |
Hriman |
Hrishikesha-The Lord of the senses. |
Hrishikesh-Beyond the reach of five senses.Vishnu controller of senses. |
Hrishikesh-Lord Vishnu |
Hrithik |
Hritish |
Hubert-Bright-minded. |
Huda |
Hudson-For the Hudson River. |
Hugh-Intelligent. |
Hugo-Spirit, Intelligence,Related to Heart/Mind. |
Hulbert-Grace and brilliance. |
Humbert-Brilliant strength. Bright home. |
Humberto-A form of Humbert. |
Hume-Home. |
Humphery-Man of peace. |
Huner-Hunter. |
Hunter-He who hunts. |
Huntington-Hunting estate. |
Huntley-From the hunter's meadow. |
Hurd-Hard. |
Hurditya |
Hurley-Child of the seas and tides. |
Hurley-Sea-tide. |
Husaam |
Husnain |
Hussain-Islamic thinker, saint |
Hussein-Small and handsome. |
Huthayfa |
Hutton-From the house on the ridge. Huxley-From Hugh's meadow |
Hyatt-From the high gate. |
Hyman-Life. |
Hymavath-Full of snow. |