Baby Boy Names With Meanings - Alphabet N
Written on 8:47 AM by Mrudula
Naabhi |
Naadir |
Naag |
Naajy |
Naasih |
Naathim |
Nabarun-Sun. The God of sky. |
Nabendu-new moon |
Nabhanyu |
Nabhas |
Nabhi-focus; the best |
Nabhij |
Nabhith |
Nabhoj |
Nabhomani |
Nabhya |
Nachiketa |
Nadal |
Nada-The morning dew. |
Nadav-Generous. |
Nadin |
Nadir-pinnacle |
Nadish |
Nafi-One who brings profit. Profitable. Salutory. Advantageous. Useful. Good. Wholesome. One of the 7 celebrated readers of Quran. One of the 99 excellent names of god. |
Nafiz-Penetrating. Effective. |
Nagabhushan-One who wears Snakes as ornaments. Shiva. |
Nagaraj-King of serpents. |
Nagarin |
Nagarjun |
Nagendra-King of snakes. |
Nagesh-Seshnag, Cosmic Serpent |
Nahusha-a mythological king |
Naidu-Surname. |
Nainesh-Lord Siva / Easwar with eyes in Forhead. |
Nairit-south-west |
Naishadh-King Nala, a hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha |
Naitik |
Nakshatra-star |
Nakul-Fourth of the Pandava brothers.-Dharmaraj, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul & Sahadev. Son of Madri. |
Nala-Name of an ancient king . An excellent cook. Damayanti's husband. Good cooks are often compared with Nala and Bheema. |
Nalinaksha-lotus-eyed |
Nalin-lotus |
Namacharya |
Namadev-Name of a saint. |
Naman-Salutations |
Namasyu |
Nambi |
Namdev-Lord Vishnu |
Namik-Writer. Author. |
Namir-Leopard. |
Namish |
Namit |
Namiyah-You are a gift from god. |
Namya-Venerable. |
Nanak-guru fo the Sikhs |
Nanda Kishore-Son of Nanda. Sri Krishna. |
Nanda Kumar-Son of Nanda. Sri Krishna. |
Nandan-Son. |
Nandin |
Nandi-the bull of Shiva; Lord Shiva |
Nand-joyful |
Nanga Gopal-Sri Krishna. |
Nanjundewsar-Lord Shiv who swallowed poison to save the world. |
Naotau-new |
Napolean-Man from Naples. |
Narada-Name of a sage who carries news from one place to another. Devotee of Vishnu. |
Narahari-Lord Vishnu |
Narasimha-an incarnation of Lord Vishnu |
Narayan-Lord Vishnu |
Narayan-Vishnu. |
Nardo-Strong. |
Narendra-King. Vishnu. |
Naresh-King. |
Narinder |
Narun |
Nash-Adventure. |
Nataraj-King of Dance. Shiv. |
Natesh-Shiv. |
Natha-Given.Husband. |
Nathan-Gift from God. |
Nathaniel-God has given. |
Nathin |
Natwar-Lord Krishna |
Nauhar |
Nauka |
Navalan |
Naval-wonder |
Navaneet-butter |
Navarro-Plains. |
Navdeep-New light. |
Naveen-new |
Navin |
Navneet-Soft. Gentle. |
Navrang-beautiful |
Navroz-a Parsee festival |
Nayan-eye |
Nayath |
Nazneen-Beautiful. Glorious. |
Neal-Neil.Champion. |
Ned-Edwards nickname. |
NeDiedra-Sorrowful wanderer. |
Nedumaan |
Nedumaran |
Neel |
Neeladri-the Nilgiris |
Neelambar-blue sky |
Neelanjan-blue |
Neelesh-Lord Krishna; moon |
Neelkanta-Lord Shiva |
Neelmadhav-Lord Jagannath |
Neelmani-sapphire |
Neelotpal-blue lotus |
Neer |
Neeraf-river |
Neeraj-Lotus. Born in water. |
Nehemiah-Jah comforts. |
Neil-Champion |
Nelson-Son of Neil. |
Neol-Birthday.Christmas. |
Nestor-Remembers. |
Netra-Eyes. |
Nevada-Snow-clad. |
Nevan-Little saint. |
Neville-New village. |
Niall-Champion. |
Níambh-Brightness. Radiance and light. |
Nibodh-knowledge |
Nicholas, Nikolas, Nikolos-Victoriuos. Conquerer of the people. Name of one of the seven "qualified men" in the first century Christian congregation. |
Nick-Short form of Nicholas. |
Nicol-Short form of Nicholas. |
Nigam-treasure |
Nigel-Niall. Champion. |
Nihal-gratified |
Nihar-dew |
Niket-home |
Nikhat-fragrance |
Nikhilesh-lord of all |
Nikhil-Whole.Complete.All. |
Nikunja-grove of trees |
Nilay-home |
Nilesh-King of the Moon. |
Nimai-Chaitanya |
Nimish-spilt-second |
Ninad-Sound. Hum. |
Nipun-expert |
Nirad-cloud |
Niraj |
Nirajit-illuminated |
Niral |
Niramay-without blemish |
Niranjan-name of a river; Goddess Durga; the night of the full moon |
Nirav-quiet |
Nirbhay-fearless |
Nirijhar-waterful |
Nirmal-Pure. |
Nirmalya-pure |
Nirmanyu |
Nirmit-created |
Nirmohi-unattached |
Nirnay-Decision. |
Nirupam-without comparison |
Nirvan-liberation |
Nischal-calm |
Nischith |
Nishad-seventh note of the octave |
Nishanath-moon |
Nishesh-entire |
Nishikanta-the moon |
Nishita-sharp |
Nishith-night |
Nishit-Sharp. |
Nishkama |
Nishok-happy |
Nissim-unbounded |
Nitesh-Lord of the Law. |
Nithik |
Nithilan |
Nitin-Ethical. Having knowledge of law. Moralist.Policy maker. |
Nitish-master of the right path |
Nityagopal-constant |
Nityananda-Lord Krishna; always happy |
Nityanand-Always happy |
Nivrutti |
Niyath |
Nizar-Slender. Lean. Subtle. |
Nkosi-King. |
Noah-Rest.Consolation.The patriarch survivor of the Great Flood.According to the biblical account,all the world's nations are descended |
Noam-Lightning Fired. |
Noel-First Born. |
Nolan-Noble. Renowned. |
Noopur-Ghungroo-the cluster of bells made by Indian classical dancers especially Bharatnatyam dancers.The anklet. |
Norbert-Shining from the North. |
Norman-Man from the North. |
Norris-From the North. |
Nrip |
Nripa-king |
Nripendra |
Nripesh-king of kings |
Nrupadh |
Nrupal-King. |
Nuri-My fire. |
Nuru-Born at night. |
Nutan-New. Novel. Modern. Latest. |
Nyles-Niles.Champion. |