Baby Boy Names With Meanings - Alphabet K
Written on 8:29 AM by Mrudula
Kaaliya |
Kaamil |
Kaanan |
Kaarikaa |
Kaartikeya |
Kaashinaath |
Kabir-name of a famous saint |
Kaci-Thorny. |
Kadamba-Name of a dynasty which ruled over ancient Karnataka. |
Kadar-Powerful. |
Kade-Wetlands. |
Kadin-Companion. |
Kadmiel-God is the ancient one. |
Kailas-abode of Lord Shiva |
Kailasanath-One who lives in Kailas. Shiva. |
Kailashchandra-Lord Shiva |
Kailashnath-Lord Shiva |
Kailas-Home of Lord Shiva. Hills where Shiva lived. |
Kainoa-Strong Warrior |
Kai-Ocean-Hawai Origin. |
Kaivalyanath-Vishnu. |
Kaivalya-Vaikunta, Vishnu's abode. |
Kalabhairav-Shiva the destroyer. |
Kalad-Wealthy. Money. |
Kalakant-A cuckoo. Nightingale. A song bird. |
Kalakesari-Artist. Lion of arts. One who is well versed with arts. |
Kalap |
Kalapriya |
Kalash-A vessel filled with water for worship. Topmost part of the tower of a temple. |
Kalash-sacred pot |
Kalatapaswi-A man who dedicated to arts, A connoisseur. |
Kalicharan-a devotee of Goddness Kali |
Kalicharan-Feet of Goddess Kali. Devotee of Kali. |
Kalidas-Servant of Goddess Kali. Name of a famous dramatist who was one of the 9 gems in the court of King Vikramaditya of Ujjaini in ancient India. Servant of Goddess Kali. Name of a famous poet. |
Kalil-Crown. Wreath. |
Kalimohan-a devotee of Goddess Kali |
Kalind-Mountain from which river yamuna takes birth. |
Kalinga |
Kalipada-a devotee of Goddess Kali |
Kaliranjan-a devotee of Goddess Kali |
Kalith |
Kalki |
Kalmit-Desired coveted. |
Kalpa |
Kalpaj-Born in heaven,A deva. |
Kalpak-A tree in heaven which gives whatever you ask.A day of Bhrahma.A division in Vedas. |
Kalya |
Kalyan-Happiness. Prosperity. Kalyana-Happiness. Prosperity. Kamaal-Wonder. |
Kamal |
Kamalakar-Lord Vishnu |
Kamalaksh-One whose eyes resemble lotus. Vishnu. |
Kamalanath-Vishnu. |
Kamalapati-Lord Vishnu |
Kamalesh-Lord Vishnu, one with Eyes like a lotus |
Kamal-Lotus. |
Kamalnayan-lotuseyed |
Kaman |
Kamaraja |
Kamat |
Kamil-Perfect. |
Kamod, Kambod, Kambodi-a raga |
Kamraj, Kamesh, Kameshwar-Cupid, Lord of love |
Kamran |
Kamran-success |
Kamukh |
Kamyak-Desired. Name of a forest. Kanak-Gold. |
Kanad-an ancient |
Kanak |
Kanal |
Kanan-a garden |
Kanchan-Name of a sage. Kandarpa-Cupid. |
Kandan |
Kandarpa-Cupid |
Kandavel |
Kane-Bright. |
Kanhaiya, Kanhaiyalal-Lord Krishna |
Kanhaiyalal |
Kanishka-Name of an ancient Indian king who supported Buddhism. Small. |
Kanishta |
Kannan-Krishna. |
Kannappan-Father of eyes. |
Kansan-People of the South Wind. Swift. |
Kanth-Light. Lord. Lover. Shine. Radiance. Brightness. |
Kantilal-lustrous |
Kantimoy-lustrous |
Kantirava-Animal which roars. Lion. Kanva-A sage Shakuntala's foster father. Name of a river. |
Kanu-Lord Krishna |
Kanvar-young prince |
Kanwal |
Kanwaljeet-lotus |
Kanwalkishore-lotus; Lord krishna |
Kanwal-lotus |
Kapilash-Lord Hanuman. |
Kapilkumar-Lord Hanuman. |
Kapil-Lord Hanuman. |
Kapinjal-Son of a sage. |
Kapish-Lord Hanuman |
Karan |
Karan-Karna, the firstborn of Kunti |
Kareem-kind |
Karim-Generous. |
Kariraj-King of poetry. A poet. |
Karkotak-Serpent King. |
Karl-Manly. |
Karna-Kunti & Surya's son. Kunti's eldest son gifted by Sun God. Duryodhan's best friend. A famous archer. |
Karnik |
Karpur-Camphor. |
Kartar-master |
Karthik-Bestowing Courage and Pleasure. Name of a month in the Hindu calendar. |
Karthikeyan-One who was brought up by star Krittika. Shanmukha. |
Karthiveryarjun-A king. |
Kartik-a Hindu month |
Kartikeya-elder son of Lord Shiva |
Karun |
karunakar-merciful |
Karunal-Compassionate, Kind, Merciful person. |
Karunamay-full of light |
Karunashankar-merciful |
Karunesh-Lord of Sympathy. |
Karun-Sympathy. Compassion. |
Kasara-Pond. |
Kashif-a connoisseur |
Kashinath-Lord Shiva |
Kashinath-Vishwanath diety of Shiva at Kashi temple. |
Kashipathi-Vishwanath diety of Shiva at Kashi temple. |
Kashiprasad-blessed by Lord Shiva |
Kashyap-A sage. |
Kashyap-name of a sage |
Kasimir-Herald of peace. |
Kasper-Treasure. |
Kasturiranga-Lord Ranganath. |
Kathan-Narration. Story telling. Kathyayan-A great sage. |
Kathir, Kadir-ray of light, shoot of grass |
Kathith |
Katran |
Katriel-The Lord's crown. |
Kaunteya |
Kauravya-A naga king. Father of Uloopi. |
Kausar-lake of paradise |
Kaushal-perfect |
Kaushal-Skill. Proficiency. |
Kaushik-Name of a king of Suryavamsh who later became a poweful sage Vishwamitra. |
Kaustav-a legendary gem; a gem worn by Lord Vishnu |
Kausthub-A gem worn by vishnu. Kautuk-Wonder, Inquisitiveness, A keen desire to learn. |
Kaustubh-a jewel of Lord Vishnu |
Kavalesh-Vishnu. |
Kavan-A poem. Lyrical composition. A song. |
Kaveen-Poet. |
Kavera-A sage Kaveri's father. Kaveriranga-Lord Ranganath at temples on the banks of river kaveri. |
Kavi-A poet. |
Kavindra-A poet. |
Kaviraj-A poet. |
Kaviraj-doctor |
Kavyanand-Poetic enjoyment. |
Kayle-Mighty Warrior. |
Keane-Sharp. Handsome. |
Keaton-Place of hawks. |
Kedaar-A pilgrim centre in the Himalayas-Kedarnath. |
Kedar-A pilgrim centre in the Himalayas-Kedarnath. |
Kedarnath-Diety worshipped at Badari. |
Keefe-Handsome. Lovable. |
Keegan-Ardent little one. |
Keenan-Little old one. |
Keerthibhooshan-Person whose adornment is fame. |
Keerthimanth-Dhruva's brother. |
Keerthinath-Famous person. |
Keerthivanth-Famous man. |
Keerti-Glory. Fame. |
Keevin-Pain taker. |
Keir-Dark-skinned. |
Keith-Of the forest. |
Kelby-From the farm by the springs. |
Kelly-Lively. Aggressive. Warrior. Brave. |
Kelsey-Dweller by the water. |
Kendall-From the valley of Kent. Ruler of the valley. |
Kendra-Wisdom. |
Kendrick-Henry's son. |
Kenley-From the royal meadow. |
Kennedy-Helmeted. |
Kenneth-Good looking. Fair. Handsome. Sprung from fire. |
Kenny-A form of kenneth. |
Kent-Bright. White. |
Kenway-Bold in battle. |
Kenyatta-Knowledge of the son. |
Kenyi-First male child born after 3+ female siblings. |
Kenyon-Fair-haired. |
Kerak-Ancient hindu warrior. |
Kermit-Free man. |
Kerry-Dark Haired. Dusky. Dark. Patient person. Kind. Wonderful. |
Kesari-Name of a spice. |
Keshav-Lord Vishnu |
Ketan-Banner. Flag. Emblem. Symbol. |
Keval-Absolute. Pure. |
Kevalkishore-absolute |
Kevalkumar-absolute |
Kevalnath-Vishnu. |
Kevin-Handsome child. |
Kevlar-one who is born from the flames into greatness, a living god. |
Keyur-Armlet. |
Khadim-servant of God |
Khadyothan-The Sun. |
Khajit-Lord Buddha |
Khalid-Immortal. Eternal. |
Khavand-Master. |
Khazana-treasure |
Khechar-A class of celestial beings. Angles. Gandharvas. |
Khemchand-welfare |
Khemprakash-welfare |
Khudiram-Ramakrishna paramahamsa's father. |
Khushal-perfect |
Khushnaz-Happy Face. Joyful. Glad. |
Khuswant-Happy. |
Khyath-Famous. |
Khyati-Fame. |
Kiara-Dusky. Dark-hair. |
Ki-Arisen. |
Kieran-Little dark one. |
Killian-Warrior. |
Kimball-Royally brave. |
Kim-Chief. |
Kimiya-Rare and Pericious. |
King-Ruler. |
Kingsley-From the king's meadow. |
Kingston-From the king's estate. |
Kinnar-A demi god. |
Kinshuk-a flower |
Kipp-From the pointed hill. |
Kiran-A ray of light. Sunlight ray. |
Kiranjit-Sunshines victory. |
Kiranmay-full of light |
Kiran-ray of light |
Kirby-From the church town. |
Kireet-Crown. Glory. Another name for Arjun. |
Kirit-a crown |
Kirk-Dwellar near Church. |
Kirn-A ray of light. |
Kirtikumar-famous |
Kishan-Krishna. |
Kishore-A small boy. |
Kishorekumar-young |
Kishore-young |
Kit-Christ-bearer. One who belives Christ. With Christ inside. Bearing Christ. |
Kito-Gym. |
Klaus-Victoriuos.Conquerer of the people. Name of one of the seven "qualified men" in the first century Christian congregation. |
Knight-Saviour. |
Knute-Knot. |
Kobi-Brave Warrior. |
Kodandaram-Sriram with his bow called kodanda. |
Kodhandaraman-Lord Sree Ram. |
Kody-Helpful. |
Kohav-Star |
Kohinoor-A famous diamond. |
Kokil-A Cuckoo. Nightangle. |
Komal-Delicate. Soft |
Koormadhi |
Koroco-Japanese American Soldier. |
Kotijit |
Koundinya-Name of a sage. |
Kovalum-Delicate. Precious. |
Kovid-A learned man. |
Kriday |
Kripacharya-Drona's brother-in-law. |
Kripal-Kind merciful person. |
Kripa-Mercy. Grace. Favour. |
Kripasagar-Full of Kindness. |
Krishanu-fire |
Krishnachandra-Lord Krishna |
Krishna-Delightful. Incarnation of Vishnu. 9th of Dasavatharas-1. Matysa, 2.Kurma, 3. Varaha, 4.Narasimha, 5. Vamana, 6. Parasurama, 7. Rama, 8. Balarama, 9. Krishna & 10. Kalki. |
Krishnadeva-Lord Krishna |
Krishnadwaipayan-Name of sage vedavyas. |
Krishnakanta-Lord Krishna |
Krishnakumar-Lord Kirshna |
Krishnala-Lord Krishna |
Krishna-Lord Krishna |
Krishnamurari-Lord Krishna |
Krishnamurthy-Lord Krishna |
Krishnaroop-dark |
Krishnendu-Lord Krishna |
Krispin-Curly haired. |
Kristen-God-Bearer. Annointed. |
Kristi-Follower of Christ. |
Kristin-Annointed one, Beautiful and fair, Devoted to love ones, Someone who cares. Christ bearer. |
Kritagya-A grateful person. |
Kritivvarma-Krishna's friend. A yadava warrior. |
Kriti-Work of art. Literary work. Something accomplished. |
Krounch-A bird. |
Kshama-Forgiveness. |
Kshamasheel-Who forgives. |
Kshaunish-king |
Kshemandhar-Name of a Manu in Jain Mythology. |
Kshemankar-Name of a Manu in Jain Mythology. |
Kshiteendra-A king. |
Kshitija-Horizon. |
Kshitipal-A king. |
Kubera-God of wealth. |
Kuberchand-god of wealth |
Kuber-god of wealth |
Kulakeerthi-Fame of the family. |
Kulapati-Chancellor, A teacher of the olden days who taught and looked after ten thousand pupils. |
Kularanjan-star of family |
Kulavanth-Of noble birth. |
Kulbhushan- ornament of family |
Kuldeep-light of family |
Kuldeep-Light of the family. |
Kuleen-High born. |
Kulik |
Kulkarni-Surname. |
Kumar |
Kumarila-A sanskrit scholar and author. |
Kumar-prince |
Kumi-Strong. |
Kumud-Lotus. |
Kunal-Name of a devotee of Vishnu. Kundan-Art of setting precious stones in gold. |
Kundan |
Kundanlal-golden |
Kundan-pure |
Kundir |
Kunigargya-Father of sulabha. A sage. |
Kunik-A minister of Dhritharastra. |
Kunja |
Kunjabihari-Lord Krishna |
Kunja-grove of trees |
Kunran |
Kunsh |
Kunwarjit-Prince of Princes. |
Kuriakos-One who is devoted to God, devoted to serve a master. |
Kurtus-Unique. The Shinning one. |
Kurt-Wise. Counselor. |
Kush |
Kushad-Cloud. |
Kushadwaj-Janak's brother. |
Kushaj-Lotus. |
Kushal-Talented. Skilful. |
Kushanu |
Kushik |
Kushraj-Rama's son. |
Kush-Rama's son. |
Kush-son of Lord Rama |
Kusumakar-spring |
Kusumanabh-Vishnu. |
Kusumesh-Delicate person. Lord of flower. |
Kusumit-Blossomed. Flowering. Kutmal-A bud. |
Kutraalan |
Kutuhal-Marvel.Wonder.Curiosity. Yearning. |
Kuval-Lotus. |
Kuvam-Sun. |
Kuvar |
Kvanh |
Kyla-Name of a place. |
Kyle-Fair. Handsome. Victory. Crowned with laurel.Handsome. |

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