Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet B
Written on 11:43 PM by Mrudula
Baako-First Born. |
Babatte-Elizabeth. Consecrated to God. |
Babitha |
Bageshri |
Bahati-Fortunate. |
Bahula-a star |
Bahulika |
Bahumathi |
Bahuputri |
Bahuratna |
Baidehi-Sita |
Baijayanthi-garland of Lord Vishnu |
Bailey-Steward. Public official. Courtyard with castle walls. |
Bairavi |
Baisakhi-of the month Baishakh |
Baishali-an ancient city |
Bakhtawar |
Bakula |
Bakul-the name of a flower |
Bala-girl |
Balamani-Gem among children. |
Balasandhya |
Ballari-creeper |
Bambi-Little child. Pet name. |
Bamini-Shining. Beautiful. Radiant |
Banamala-forests |
Banani-forests |
Bandana-worship |
Bandhananashini |
Bandhini |
Bandhula-charming |
Bandhura |
Banhi-fire |
Banhishikha-flame |
Banita-woman |
Bansari-flute |
Bansuri-flute |
Baptista-Baptized. |
Barbara-Foreign. Foreign land. Strange. |
Barnali-Dispersion of seven colors |
Barsha, Varsha-rain |
Baruna-wife of the Lord of the sea |
Baruni-Goddess Durga |
Basabi-wife of Lord Indra |
Basanthi-The spring season. |
Basanti-of spring |
Basaveshwari-Goddess Parvathi. |
Basila-Feminine of Basil. |
Batami-Daughter of my people. |
Bat-Ami-Daughter of the oath. |
Bathilda-Battle maid. |
Bathsheba-Daughter of the oath. |
Batya-Daughter of the God. |
Beata-Happy. Blessed one. |
Beatrice-She who brings joy. |
Beatriz-Brings joy. |
Becky-Short form of Rebecca. |
Beena-Incidence. |
Bela, Beli-a flower-jasmine |
Belen-Bethlehem. |
Belenen-Star of waters. |
Belicia-Dedicated to God. |
Belinda-Beautiful and Pretty. Beautiful girl. |
Bella-Beautiful. Pledged to god. Lovely one. Fair. |
Benazir-incomparable |
Benecia-Blessed one. |
Benedicta-Femenine of Benedict. |
Benigna-Kind. |
Benita-Blessed. |
Berdina-Glorious. |
Berenice-One who brings victory. |
Berkeley-The birch tree meadow. Where birches grow. |
Bernadette-Feminine of Bernard. Little strong bear. |
Bernadine-Feminine form of Bernard. |
Berne-Bold as bear. |
Bernice-One who brings victory. |
Bertha-Bright. Shining one. |
Bertina-Bright. |
Beryl-A Gem stone. From the gem Beryl. |
Bessy-Consecrated to God. Elizabeth. |
Beth-A form of Elizabeth.Consecrated to God. Bethany-Biblical place name. Name of a village near Jerusalem where Jesus visited Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Home of Lazarus. House of dates. House of figs. House of poverty. |
Bethea-Name of maid servant of Jehovah. |
Bethel-House of God. |
Bethesda-House of mercy. |
Betsy-Consecrated to God. Elizabeth. |
Betty-A form of Elizabeth. Consecrated to God. Beulah-Claimed as a wife. A name symbolic of the heavenly Zion. She who will marry. |
Beverly-Name of a place. Beaver stream. Meadow dweller. |
Bevis-Name of a place. |
Bhaanvee-The sun. |
Bhadra-gentle |
Bhadrawathi-Wife of King Pareekshit. Bhageerathi-River Ganga. |
Bhagavathi |
Bhagirathi-the river Ganga |
Bhagwanti-lucky |
Bhagya Lakshmi-Goddess of Wealth. |
Bhagyalakshmi |
Bhagya-lucky |
Bhagyawati, Bhagyashree-fortunate |
Bhairavi-Goddess Durga |
Bhakti-devotion |
Bhamini-woman |
Bhanavi |
Bhanuja |
Bhanumathi-Wife of Duryodhana. |
Bhanupriya-beloved of the sun |
Bharani-Name of a Star Bharathi-Saraswathi.Mother of India. |
Bharati-Goddess Saraswati |
Bhargavi-Goddess Parvati |
Bhavana-Feeling. Idea. |
Bhavani,Bhavanthi-Parvathi. |
Bhavanika |
Bhavika |
Bhavini-Goddess Parvati |
Bhavya |
Bhayanashini |
Bhilangana-a river |
Bhoodevi-Mother earth. Vishnu's consort. |
Bhoomika-the earth |
Bhoomi-the earth |
Bhramaramba-Parvathi. |
Bhumica-Character. Role. Introduction. |
Bhumi-Earth |
Bhuvana-The Earth |
Bhuvaneshwari-The Earth |
Bianca-Fair. White. Shining. |
Bibi-Lady. Wife. |
Bijali-Lightening.Active.Electricity. Billie-Determination. Strength. |
Bijli |
Bimala-pure |
Bimla-Vimala. Pure. |
Binal |
Binata-the wife of Sage Kashyap |
Bina-Understanding Bindhiya-Dew drop,Point. |
Bindhiya-Dew drop,Point. |
Bindiya |
Bindu-a drop |
Bindu-Dew drop,Point. |
Bindumathi |
Bindurekha |
Bindusree-Dew drop,Point. |
Binjal-Goddess. |
Binodini-handsome; beautiful Radha |
Binti-Daughter. |
Binty-Daughter. |
Bipasha-a river, Beas |
Birdena-Little bird. |
Birdie-Bird. |
Birgitta-Strong. |
Bishakha-a star |
Bithika-Path between trees. |
Blaine-Surname. |
Blair-Field of battle. |
Blake-Black. |
Blanche-Fair. White. |
Bliss-Joy. Cheer. Gladness. |
Blondell-Fair-haired blonde. |
Blossom-Flower. |
Bluebell-Flower name. |
Bluma-Flower like. |
Blythe-Light hearted. Joyful one |
Bobbie-Nickname of Roberta and Barabara. |
Bonita-Little good one. Pretty. Bonnie-Charming. Good. Pretty. Brandy-Name of a beverage. Sword. Liquor. |
Bontee-Name derived from the 19thCentury Literary sisters, Anne, Charlotte and Emily Bronte |
Bo-Precious. A nickname. |
Brahmacharini |
Branwen-White Raven. |
Bratati-creeper |
Breanna-Brianna. |
Breck-Freckled. |
Breena-Fairy palace.Raven Maiden. |
Bree-Pill. |
Brenda-Princess. Fiery. |
Brenna-Variant of Brenda-Princess. Raven. |
Bretta-Feminie of Bret. |
Brett-Brit. |
Briana-Feminine of Brian. |
Brianna-She ascends. |
Briar-a wild rose with prickly thorns. |
Bridget-Saint. Strong. An Irish Goddess. Strength. |
Briean-Strength. |
Brijabala |
Brina-Short form of Sabrina-Goddess. |
Brinda-Tulasi. |
Brinthadevi-Queen of garden. |
Brionna-Variant of Brianna. |
Briony-Name of a flowering vine used in folk medicine. |
Brisa-The Greek name of the woman |
Britannia-From Britain. |
Brit-Spotted. Freckled. |
Brittania-A poetic name for the Great Britain. Roman name of Great Britain.19th |
Brittany-From England. |
Britt-Strength. |
Bronte-Name derived from the |
Bronwyn-White-breasted. |
Brooke-Dwellar by the brook. Water. Stream. Feminine of Brook. |
Brunella-Brown-haired. |
Brunhilda-Hereoine. |
Bryce-Name of a saint. |
Bryna-Feminine of Brian-hill place. |
Bryn-Hill. |
Buena-Good. |
Bulbul, Bulbuli-a songbird |
Bulbuli |
Byzanta-From the ancient city of Byzantium. |