Baby Boy Names With Meanings - Alphabet J
Written on 8:20 AM by Mrudula
Jaabir |
Jaafar |
Jabali-A sage. |
Jabari-Valiant.courageous. |
Jabbar |
Jabin-God has built. |
Jacan-Trouble. |
Jacelyn-Jason. Healing. |
Jace-Short form of Jason. |
Jacinto-Masculine form of the Greek name Hyacinth, meaning 'alas'. |
Jack-A name based on John or Jacques, the French form of Jacob. His favor. |
Jackie-Strong and Courageous. |
Jackson-Son of Jack. |
Jacob-Supplanter.The son of Isaac and Rebekah and twin brother of Esau.Jacob fathered 12 sons and a daughter, who became the ancestors of the nation of Israel. |
Jacques-Supplanter. Variant form of Jacob. |
Jaden-God has heard. |
Jadhav |
Jadyn-God has heard. |
Jaelie-Mountain goat. Climber |
Jafar-Little stream. |
Jag |
Jagachandra |
Jagad |
Jagadatma-Soul of the world.Vishnu. |
Jagadayu |
Jagadbandu |
Jagadeep-Light of the world.The Sun. |
Jagadeesh-King of the world. |
Jagadev |
Jagadip |
Jagadish |
Jagadishwara |
Jagadwikhyat-World famous. |
Jagajit-One who conquered the world. |
Jagamohana |
Jagan |
Jaganmay-spread over the universe |
Jaganmitra-Friend of the world. |
Jaganmohan-SriKrishna. |
Jagannath-King of the universe. Vishnu. |
Jagan-World. Universe. |
Jagath-World.Universe. |
Jagdish-Jagat+Ishwar. |
Jagesh |
Jagjeevan-worldly life |
Jagmohan-Sri Krishna. |
Jago-Variant of James used in Cornwall. |
Jag-the universe |
Jahan |
Jahi-Dignified. |
Jai |
Jaibhusana |
Jaichand |
Jaichand-victory of the moon |
Jaidayal |
Jaiden-Precious. |
Jaidev |
Jaidev-victory of god |
Jaidhara |
Jaiganesh-Victorious Ganapati. |
Jaigath |
Jaigopal |
Jaigupta |
Jaikrishna |
Jaikrishna-victory of Lord krishna |
Jaimini-Principle Disciple. |
Jainarayan |
Jainarayan-victory |
Jaipal |
Jairaj-lord of victory |
Jairam-Victorious Rama. |
Jairdan-One who finds light and brings enlightenment. |
Jaisal |
Jaishankar-Victorious Shiva. |
Jaisinha |
Jaisukh-joy of winning |
Jaithra-Victorious Vishnu,Shiva,Jina,Arjun. |
Jaiwant |
Jakarious |
Jake-Dimunitive form of Jacob. |
Jalad |
Jaladhar-Cloud. |
Jaladhij-Moon |
Jaladhi-The Sea. |
Jalal-glory |
Jalan-Cloud. |
Jalaneel-Blue colour of the sea. |
Jalbhushan |
Jaldev |
Jaleel, Jalil-Influence. Radiance. Jamadagni-A sage. |
Jalendra |
Jalendu |
Jalil-revered |
Jalindra |
Jamadagni |
Jamal-Handsome. |
Jambukeshwar-Shiva.Eashwar. Jambuvanth-Bear King. |
Jameel-Handsome. |
James-Variant of Jacob. One of the 12 apostles of Jesus, who possibly was also a cousin of Jesus. |
Jamie-James |
Jamil-Handsome. |
Jamin-Right hand of favor. |
Jamison-Son of James. |
Janak-Father of Sita. |
Janakinandan-Son of Janaki. Janakiram-Ram with Janaki-Sita. Janamejaya-Pareekshit's son. Janardhan-Vishnu. |
Janamejay-a mJanardan-Lord Vishnu |
Janav |
Janette-Gracious God. |
Jangam-Moving God.Ascetic. |
Janine-Variant of John. Gift from God. Jansen-Son of John. |
Janis-A form of John. |
Janith |
Jan-Variant of John. His favor. |
Janya |
Japa |
Japan |
Japendra-lord of chants-Lord Shiva |
Japesh |
Jared-Descending. Name of a pre-flood ancestor of Jesus. |
Jaroslav-Glory of spring. |
Jarred-He Descends. |
Jarrell-A good Leader. |
Jarvis-Spear-sharp. |
Jasamit |
Jasapal |
Jasbeer-victorious hero |
Jasbir-Famous victorious hero. |
Jascha-Supplanter. |
Jashan-Celebration. |
Jashun |
Jason-A healing.Name of an early Christian associate of Paul. |
Jaspal-Lord Krishna |
Jasper-Treasure. |
Jaswant |
Jatan-nurturing |
Jataved-Agni. |
Jatayu-A bird who fought with ravana when he was carrying away sita and died. |
Jatin-Sage, Muni. |
Jatya |
Javed-immortal Jawahar-jewel |
Javesh |
Javier-Onwer of newly constructed house. |
Javin |
Jawahar-Jewel. |
Jay |
Jay Jasvant-Victorious famous. |
Jaya Prakash-Glowing/Shining with victory. |
Jayachamarajendra-Name of the last King of Mysore. |
JayaChandra-One who won over moon. Another name of Lord Shiva. |
Jayad |
Jayadbal-Sahadev's name during hiding period. |
Jayadeep-Lamp of Victory. |
Jayadev-Name of a famous poet who composed 'Git Govind'. |
Jayadhar-Victorious. |
Jayagopal-Victorous Krishna. |
Jayakumar-Victorious. |
Jayanand-Happy in his victory. |
Jayant-Indra's son. |
Jayan-Victory. |
Jayaprakash-Glowing/Shining with victory. |
Jayaraj-Victorious King. |
Jayaram-Victorious Ram. |
Jayasena-A king of Avanthi, Brother-in-law of Vasudev. |
Jayashankar-Victorious Shiva. |
Jayasimha-Name of a king. Victorious Lion. |
Jayatheertha-Holy victory. |
Jayatsena-Nakula's name during hiding period. |
Jayavardhan-Extending the Victory. |
Jayawant |
Jayawardhan-Who increases victory. |
Jayden-God has heard. |
Jaydev-One who always win. |
Jayendra-Victorious. |
Jayesh-Bhima's name during hiding period. |
Jay-From the birds called jays. |
Jayin |
Jayson-A contemporary of Jason. |
Jean-His favor. |
Jeb-Friend of God. |
Jed-Hand. |
Jedidiah-Beloved of the Lord. |
Jeemootavahan-Indra, A Naga(Serpent. |
Jeemoot-Cloud. |
Jeemutbahan-full of life |
Jeevak-Jain Ascetic. |
Jeevan-Life. |
Jeevatma-The Soul. |
Jeevotham-Best living being,The God. |
Jefferson-Jeffery's son. |
Jeffrey-Divinely peaceful. |
Jehangir |
Jeirk-Strong. Helpful. Caring & Manly. |
Jelani-Powerful. |
Jemond-I'm the world. |
Jene-Well born. |
Jennings-Descendants of John. |
Jensen-God is gracious |
Jenya |
Jeremiah-God will uplift. |
Jeremy-God will uplift. Raise up. |
Jeremyn-A German. |
Jerim-Kind hearted. Full of love. |
Jerome-Sacred name. |
Jesse-Jehovah exists. Name of the shepherd father of King David. |
Jess-Wealthy. |
Jesus-God is my salvation. |
Jethro-Abundance. |
Jewel |
Jhenkar-Humming sound of the bee or beetle. |
Jhoomer |
Jigar-Heart. |
Jignas-Thirst for knowledge. |
Jignesh-curiosity to research |
Jihan |
Jim-Variant of Jacob. |
Jina-Holy person. |
Jinaprasad-Gift of Jina. |
Jinendra |
Jishnu |
Jishnu-Victorious, Vishnu,Shiva,Jina,Arjun. |
Jitendra-One has control over sense organs. |
Jivitesh-God |
Jnanaprakash |
Joab-God is the father. |
Joachim-God will judge. |
Joan-Helper. |
Joanna-God is Gracious. |
Joanne-His favor. |
Jodi-The Lords Praise. |
Joel-God is willing. |
Jogindra, Joginder |
Jograj-Lord Krishna |
Johann-God has been gracious. |
Johar-Salute. |
John-His favor. God has been gracious. |
Joji-Japanese form of George. |
Jonah-Dove. |
Jonas-Dove. |
Jonathan-God has given. |
Jordan-Descending. |
Jorge-Farmer. |
Jose-He shall increase. |
Joseph-He shall increase. The son of Jacob. Joseph was the one that was sold into slavery by his brothers, rose to become a supreme power in Egypt. Also Jesus earthly father, a carpenter. May Jah give increase. |
Josh-Jehovah is my salvation. |
Joshua-God is my salvation. Joshua-Jehovah is salvation. Joshua was an attendant and helper to Moses during the Israelites' 40 year trek through the Sinai wilderness. He was appointed by God to lead the Israelites after the death of Moses. |
Josiah-The Lord's fire. |
Jotham-God is perfect. |
Jovan-Young prince. One who is powerful and commanding . Father of the sky. |
Juan-God has been gracious.John. |
Jubal-Ram's horn. |
Judah-Praised. |
Judd-Praised. |
Judson-Judah's son. |
Jugnu |
Jujhar |
Jules-Belonging to julius. |
Julian-Belonging to julius. |
Julius-Youthful. Downy-bearded. |
Junius-Youthful. |
Jurgen-Farmer. |
Jusal-pari |
Justice-To deliver what is just. |
Justin-Upright. Just. |
Jwalanath-Agni. |
Jwalanth-Shining,Blazing object. |
Jwalaprasad-Gift of Agni. |
Jwalia |
Jwalin-Shiva. |
Jyestha |
Jyothilingam-Shivalinga at Arunachalam. |
Jyothiprakash-Light of a lamp. |
Jyothirmandal-The Solar system. |
Jyothishmat-Sun,Son of king priyavrat who ruled over Rushadweep. |
Jyotichandra |
Jyotiprakash-splendour of the flame |
Jyotiranjan |
Jyotirdhar-holder of the flame |
Jyotirmoy |
Jyran |