Baby Girl Names With Meanings - Alphabet E
Written on 11:47 PM by Mrudula
Earlene-Noblewoman. |
Eartha-The earth |
Eashaa-Desire.Durga. |
Eashana-Desire. |
Eashani-Goddess Parvathi. |
Eashanye-The diety who looks after the direction Eashanya-East. |
Eashita-Wanted.Superiority. |
Eashtadevata-Favourite diety. |
Eashwari-Goddess Parvathi. |
Easter-From the holiday Easter. |
Ebbani-Dew drops. |
Ebony-From the black wood of India and Ceylon. |
Eccha-Desire. |
Ecchita-Wanted. |
Ecchumati-River. |
Echo-The nymph who loved Narcissus. |
Edaña-e DA nya-Fire. Fiery one. Flame. Ardent. |
Eden-Delight. |
Edha |
Edhitha |
Edith-Rich gift. |
Edlyn-Noble one. |
Edmunda-Feminine of Edmund. Edna-Rejuvenation. |
Edorña-e DOOR nyae-Fire. Fiery one. Flame. Ardent. |
Edra-Powerful. |
Edrie-Powerful. |
Edwarda-Feminine of Edward. Edwina-Feminine of Edwin. |
Eelakili |
Eelampirai |
Eesha |
Eeswari-Another name of Lalithamba. |
Efimia-Happiness. |
Efrona-Feminine of Efron. |
Egberta-Feminine of Egbert. Eglantine-Wild rose. |
Ehimaya |
Eila |
Eileen-Variant of Helen. |
Eiravathi |
Eirean-Silver. |
Eka |
Ekadhana |
Ekaja |
Ekananga-Krishna's sister.Yashoda's daughter. |
Ekantha |
Ekanthika |
Ekaparana-wife of Himalaya |
Ekapatala-Sister of Parvathi.Wife of sage Jaigeesghavya. |
Ekata, Ektaa-unity |
Ekatha-Unity. |
Ekavali-single-string |
Ekisha |
Ekoparna-Sister of Parvathi.Wife of sage Asita. Ela-Earth |
Ela Devi-Earth |
Ela-cardamom tree |
Elaine-A form of Helen. |
Elampirai |
Elana-Oak Tree. |
Elavarasi |
Elba-For the island off the coast of Italy. |
Eldrida-Wise counselor. |
Eleanore-Light. |
Electra-Shining one. |
Elena-Bright girl. |
Eleni-Torch, Light. |
Eleni-Torch, Light. |
Eliana-God's answer. |
Elili |
Eliora-God is my light. |
Elisa-Dedicated to God. |
Elise-Another form of Elizabeth. |
Elissa-Beautiful. Regal. In control. |
Elizabeth-Consecrated to God. |
Ella-Light. Short form of Eleanor and Ellen. All. Ellen-Light. Variant of Helen-Shining Light |
Ellice-Feminine of Elias or Ellis. |
Ellie-Beauty. |
Elma-Feminine of Elmo. |
Elodra-Golden. Glided. |
Eloise-Variant of Louise. |
Elsa-Consecrated to God. |
Elvira-Elfin. |
Elvisa-Feminine of Elvis. |
Elysia-Place where happy souls dwell. Mythical place after death for heros. |
Emani-Trust worthy. |
Ema-Short form of Emily. Flatterer. Industrious. Feminine form of Emil. |
Emelyn-Combination of Emma + Lynn. |
Emerald-From the gem emerald. |
Emily-Industrious. Striving. Artistic. |
Emina-Distinguished. |
Emly-Industrious. Striving. |
Emmanuela-Feminine of Emmanuel. |
Emma-Whole. Complete. Short form of Emily. Flatterer. Industrious. Feminine form of Emil |
Emmy-Flatterer. |
Emuna-Faith. |
Enakshi-dear-eyed |
Enam-God's gift. |
Endora-Fountain. |
Enid-Pure. |
Enrica-Feminine of Enrico. |
Eona-Female version of Ian |
Erica-Brave. Ever powerful. Victorious. Ruler forever. Femine of Eric. |
Erika-Brave ruler. Ruler of all. |
Erina-From Ireland. |
Erin-Poetic name for Ireland. Peace. Old name for Ireland |
Erma-Strong. |
Ernestine-Feminine of Ernest. |
Esha-Aspiration. Desire. Want. |
Eshana-search |
Eshani |
Eshanika |
Eshanya |
Eshika |
Eshita-one who desires |
Eshtartha-Desired. |
Esinam-God has heard my cry. |
Esme-Emerald. Esteemed. |
Estelle-Star |
Esther-Star |
Eta |
Ethaha, Etasha |
Ethaniel-A mothers light and sun. |
Ethel-Noble. |
Etta-Star. |
Eudocia-Respected. |
Eudora-Generous gift. |
Eugenia-Well born. |
Eulalia-Fair of speech. |
Eunice-Joyful. Victorious. |
Euphemia-Of good reputation. |
Euphrata-From the river Euphrates. |
Europa-From the continent of Europe. |
Eurydice-The wife of Orpheus. Eustacia-Feminine of Eustace. |
Euxina-From the Euxine. Black. Sea. |
Eva-Lifegiving. |
Evandne-Fortunate. |
Evangelia-One who brings good news. |
Evangeline-Bearer of good news. Eve-Life-giving. |
Evelina-Lifegiving. |
Evelyn-Hazel nut. |
Evelyn-Life-giving. |
Evie-Living one. |
Ezara-Feminine of Ezra. |
Ezarah-Faithful. |
Ezhil oviyaa |