Baby Boy Names With Meanings - Alphabet E
Written on 8:16 AM by Mrudula
Eamon-Rich protector. Prosperous protector. |
Earl-Nobleman. |
Earon-From the river town. |
Eashan |
Eashana-One of the five faces of Shiva.Name of a heaven. |
Eash-Shiva. |
Eashwar-Shiva. |
Ebadaah |
Eben-Stone. |
Ebenzer-Stone of help. Eberhard,Eberhart-Strong as a boar. |
Ebhanan-Elephant faced.Ganapati. Ecchit-Desired. |
Ecchvaku-A king. |
Edan-Fiery. |
Eddie-A familiar form of Edgar. |
EdeƱi-ee DEN yii-Fire. Fiery one. Flame. Ardent. |
Eden-Paradise. Delight. Gentle. |
Edgar-Successful Spearman. Fortunate spearman. |
Edhas |
Edi |
Edison-Edward's son. |
Edmond-Prosperous Protector. |
Edmund-Rich protector. Prosperous protector. |
Ednit |
Edric-Prosperous ruler. |
Edsel-Of the rich man's estate. |
Edward-Prosperous guardian. |
Edwin-Rich friend. |
Eeshwar |
Efron-Bird. |
Egaiarasu |
Egan-Ardent. |
Egbert-Shining sword. |
Egerton-From the hilltop town. |
Eha |
Ehimay |
Einar-Chief. |
Eka |
Ekaaksha |
Ekachandra |
Ekachith |
Ekadant |
Ekagrah |
Ekaksha |
Ekakshara |
Ekalavya-renowned for his devotion to his guru |
Ekaling |
Ekamaranth-Diety of Shiva at kanchi. Ekamber-Shiva. |
Ekambar-sky |
Ekana |
Ekanath-king |
Ekanga |
Ekanjeet |
Ekanpreet |
Ekansh |
Ekapad |
Ekaraj |
Ekatan |
Ekath-Sage. |
Ekaveer-A king. |
Ekavir |
Ekendra-Shiva. |
Ekoram-One of the five acharyas. Ekshudhanva-Good bowman. |
Ekram-honour |
Elango |
Elavarasan |
Elayaraj-King of the Earth.Emperor. Elbert-Noble and Brilliant. Bright. Elden-From the elf valley. |
Eldridge-Wise ruler. |
Eleazar-Whom God hath helped. . |
Elesh-King. |
Elgan-Bright circle. |
Elias-Jehovah is my God. |
Elihu-Jehovah is my God. |
Elijah-Jehovah is my God. |
Elil |
Elilarasan |
Elilarasu |
Elilvendan |
Elisabet-My God is bountiful. God of plenty. |
Elisha-The Lord is my salvation. Eliza-My God is bountiful. God of plenty. |
Eli-The highest. |
Elizabeth Elizabel-My God is bountiful. God of plenty. |
Elizabeth Elizabeth-My God is bountiful. God of plenty. |
Elizabeth Elizabet-My God is bountiful. God of plenty. |
Elizabeth Elkan-Belonging to God. Ellard-Noble.Brave. |
Elizabetta-My God is bountiful. |
Ellery-From the alder tree island. |
Elliot-Jehovah is my God. |
Elliott-My God is Jehovah. |
Ellis-Jehovah is my God. |
Ellison-Son of Ellis. |
Ellu |
Ellwood-From the old forest. |
Elmer-Noble and famous. |
Elmo-Divine helmet. |
Elroy-The king. |
Elston-Nobleman's town. |
Elsworth-Nobleman's eastate. |
Elton-From the old town. |
Elumalai |
Elvis-All wise. |
Elwin-The elves' friend. |
Elwood-Forest dweller. |
Elyza-My God is bountiful. God of plenty. Elizabeth Emerson-Son of Emery. |
Emaan |
Emery-Industrious leader. |
Emil-Competitor. Industrious. |
Emilio-Winner, Flatterer. |
Emmanuel-God with us. |
Emmett-Truth. |
Emwan-Wisdom. Knowledge. |
Enakulesh-A king.Sriram. |
Englebert-Bright angel. |
Enoch-Dedicated. Consecrated. |
Enos-Man. |
Enrico-Mighty & Powerful. |
Ephraim-Fruitful. |
Erasmus-Lovable. |
Erastus-Beloved. |
Eravanth-Son of Arjuna and Uloopi. Erhard-Firm resolve. |
Eric-Ever powerful. Kingly. Ruler. |
Erick-Ruler. Ever Kingly. |
Erik-Always powerful. |
Erin-Poetic name for Ireland. Peace. |
Ernest-Earnest. Serious-minded. |
Eroth-Psychic. Intelligent. |
Errol-Nobleman. |
Erskine-From the cliff heights. |
Ervin-= Handsome. Fair. |
Erwin-Handsome. Fair. |
Esai Selvan-Musician. |
Eshkol-Grape cluster. |
Eshwar |
Eshwara chandra-Shiva adorned by chandra(moon. |
Eshwardutt |
Eshwar-Lord Shiva |
Eshwar-Shiva,God. |
Esmond-Gracious protector. |
Estes-From the east. |
Etash |
Ethan-Firm. Strong. Enduring.Overflowing.A famous wise man of Israel. |
Etienne-Another name for Stephen. |
Ettan |
Euclid-For the Greek Mathematician. |
Eugene-Well born. |
Eustace-Rich in corn. Fruitful. |
Evan-Young warrior. |
Evelyn-Pleasant. |
Everett-Strong as a boar. |
Evyavan |
Ewan-Well born. |
Ewin-Friend of the law. |
Eyal-Stag. |
Ezekiel-God will strengten. |
Ezer-Help. |
Ezra-Helper. |