Baby Boy Names With Meanings - Alphabet V
Written on 9:54 AM by Mrudula
Vaachaspati |
Vaageesh |
Vachan-speech |
Vachel-Small Cow. |
Vadiraj |
Vagisa |
Vagmi-The person who blossomed vedas. Another name for Vishnu. |
Vaibhav-riches |
Vaibhav-Richness. Splendor. Wealth. |
Vaidyanaath |
Vaijayi |
Vaijnath-Lord shiva |
Vaikuntam, the abode of Lord Vishnu |
Vaikunth |
Vajradhar-Lord Indra |
Vajra-Lord Krishna's greatgrandson; diamond |
Vajrapani-Lord Indra |
Vajresh |
Valavan |
Valen-Short form of Valentine. |
Valente-Valiant.Brave.Variant form of Valentine. |
Valentine-Strong. |
Valeriy-Strong. Brave. |
Vallabh-beloved |
Vallabhendra |
Vallabhesvara |
Valmiki, Valmik-the author of the qpic Ramayana |
Valsan-With lots of love. Another name for Lord Krishna. |
Vamadeva |
Vamana |
Vaman-fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu |
Vamshi-Divine flute. Flute in the hands of Lord Krishna. |
Vamsi-Name of a 'Raaga' |
Vanajit-lord of the forest |
Vance-Marshland. |
Vandan-Salutation. |
Van-Of. Equivalent of 'de' in French names. |
Varadaraja |
Vardhaman-Lord Mahavir |
Vardhana |
Varij-lotus |
Varindra-lord of the ocean |
Varun-lord of the sea |
Vasanth-Spring. |
Vasiliy-Roay. |
Vasistha-name of a sage |
Vasu |
Vasudev-father of Lord Krishna |
Vatsa |
Vatsal-Love. |
Vaughn-Little. Von is German equivalent of Van. |
Ved-a sacred text |
Vedaant-Wisdom. End of the Vedas. |
Vedanga-meaning of Vedas |
Vedavrata-vow of the Vedas |
Vedmohan-Lord Krishna |
Vedprakash-light of the Vedas |
Veera-the brave |
Velan-Lord Murugan. |
Vel-Lord Murugan's weapon. |
Velu-Lord Murugan. |
Vendan |
Vengai |
Veni-Lord Krishna |
Venimadhav-Lord Krishna |
Venkataraman |
Venkatesha |
Ventakaraman-Lord Sree Ram. |
Venu-Flute. Bamboo. Another name of Lord Sri Krishna. |
Venugopala |
Verdell-Green.Flourishing. |
Vernon-Alder tree grove. |
Vetrivel-Another name for Lord Muruga. |
Vibhas-decoration; light |
Vibhat-dawn |
Vibhishan-a character from the epic Ramayana |
Vibhore |
Vibhu-all-pervading |
Victor-Conqueror. |
Vidal-Life. |
Videsh |
Vidhu-Moon. |
Vidhur,Vidur-Wise.Name of the wisest minister in King Dhrutarashtra's cabinet in great Indian Epic - Mahabharat. |
Vidor-Cheerful. |
Vidur-a friend of Lord Krishna |
Vidyadhar-learned |
Vidyasagar-ocean of learning |
Vidyut-lightning |
Vighnesh, Vignesh-Lord Ganesh |
Vignesh-Lord Ganesh. |
Vihanga |
Vihanga-bird |
Vijayanatha |
Vijayendra-Lord of Victory. |
Vijay-Victor. |
Vijendra, Vijanyendra-victorious |
Vikas-Progressive. Moving ahead in life. |
Vikesh-the moon |
Vikramaditya-a famous king |
Vikramajit-a famous king |
Vikram-Valour. |
Vikranta-Courageous. Bold. Victorious. |
Vikrant-Courageous. Bold. Victorious. Conqurer of the World,Fearless. |
Vilas-play |
Vilokan-gaze |
Vilok-to see |
Vimal-pure |
Vinayak-Lord Ganesh. |
Vinay-Humble. |
Vincent-Conquering. |
Vineet-unassuming |
Vinesh-pious. |
Vinod-pleasing |
Vipin-forest |
Viplab-floating; revolution |
Viplav-Revolutionary. |
Vipra-a priest |
Vipul-Large. Extensive. Lot of. Abundant. |
Virabhadra |
Viraj-splendour |
Viral-priceless |
Virang-Strong body. |
Vir-brave |
Virendra-brave lord |
Viresh-brave lord |
Virgil-Flourishing.Name of a Roman Poet-Philosopher. |
Virinchi-Vishnu. |
Virupaksa |
Vishal-immense |
Vishal-Large. Spacious. Extenstive. Wide. |
Vishesh-The best. Foremost. |
Vishnu-Encompassing. All pervading. |
Vishnu-Lord Vishnu |
Vishnuraman-Lord Sree Ram. |
Vishram-rest |
Vishwambhar-the lord |
Vishwamitra-a sage |
Vishwanath-the lord |
Vishwesh-the lord Almighty |
Vismay-surprise |
Viswajit |
Viswanathan-Lord of the universe. The form of Siva worshipped in Benaras,India. |
Viswas-trust |
Vithala, Vitthal-Lord Vishnu |
Vito-Life. |
Vivekananda-joy of discrimination |
Viveka-True knowledge. Intelligence. Discrimination. Distinction. |
Vivek-True knowledge. Intelligence. Discrimination. Distinction. |
Vivin-Full of life. |
Vladimir-Possess peace. |
Vladislav-Possesses glory. |
Vrajakishore-Lord Krishna |
Vrajamohan-Lord Kirshna |
Vrajanadan-Lord Krishna |
Vrajesh-Lord Krishna |
Vrishin-peacock |
Vstalin-Pride. Dignity. |
Vyacheslav-Possesses glory. |
Vyasa-the author of Mahabharata |
Vyas-Distinction. Sage who wrote Ramayan. |
Vyom |
Vyomaang |
Vyomakesh |
Vyomdev |
Vyomesh |
Vytharana-Name of a river. |

These are such lovely names for the Indian babies. Naming is one of the most significant occasions in India and names are chosen based on various religious facts. But still you should have a list of your favorite names for your kid. For help you can find some interesting Indian name ideas here: